
An Erlang graylog module for lager

graylog-lager, graylog-server, lager



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Lager is a standard logging tool for Erlang, this project crates lager formatter to output messages in GELF format and lager backend to send messages via UDP to a graylog server.


  • Support for compression gzip or zlib
  • Support for chunk encoded GELF messages
  • Works with lager 3.x

Quick start

Include this backend into your project using rebar:

{graylog_lager, ".*", {git, "", "master"}}

Then you need to add a new handler in lager configuration, usually in your app.config file, for example:

{lager, [
    {handlers, [
        {graylog_lager_udp_backend, [
            {host, ""},
            {port, 12201},
            {level, info},
            {format_config, [
                {compression, disabled},
                {extra_fields, [
                    {<<"_environment">>, <<"production">>}


Backend configuration parameters:

  • host: graylog server host, example: {host, ""}
  • port: graylog server port, example: {port, 12201}
  • level: minimum logging level - messages below that level will be dropped. One of the above values (debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical, alert)
  • format_config: backend-specific configuration - a proplist with:
    • compression: one of disabled, gzip, zlib (atom, defaults to disabled)
    • extra_fields: optional proplist of {name, value}, they will be sent as additional fields to graylog. The name must be a binary starting with an underscore, while the value must be any term.
    • hostname: optional binary with the hostname. If not provided will be automatically detected.
  • formatter: In case you want to change the GELF formatter module. Default : {formatter, graylog_lager_gelf_formatter}
  • chunk_size: The max size of each UPD packet: default 8154. Valid value between interval 1420 - 8154. Example: {chunk_size, 8154}
  • inet_family: Specify the inet family. Default to inet. Supported values inet or inet6

Also support the following sink configs described in lager readme:

  • high_water_mark
  • flush_queue
  • flush_threshold