Library providing a clean way of defining mailers in Elixir apps

elixir, email, sending


Mailman 👮

Elixir CI Docs Version

Mailman lets you send email from your Elixir app.

  • Plain text or multi-part email (plain text and HTML)
  • Inline images in HTML part
  • Attachments (with semi-automatic MIME type detection)
  • Easy-peasy SMTP config
  • Rendering via EEx
  • Standard quoted-printable encoding
  • Automatic CC and BCC delivery
  • Custom headers
  • SMTP delivery timestamps

Mailman is a wrapper around the mighty (but rather low-level) gen_smtp, the popular Erlang SMTP library.

Simple example

context = %Mailman.Context{
  config: %Mailman.SmtpConfig{
      relay: "",
      username: "userkey-here",
      password: "passkey-here",
      port: 25,
      tls: :always,
      auth: :always,
  composer: %Mailman.EexComposeConfig{}

email = %Mailman.Email{
  subject: "Hello Mailman!",
  from: "",
  to: [""],
  cc: ["", ""],
  bcc: [""],
  data: [
    name: "Yo"
  text: "Hello! <%= name %> These are Unicode: qżźół",
  html: """
 <b>Hello! <%= name %></b> These are Unicode: qżźół

Mailman.deliver(email, context)