
Numscript support for Elixir




NumscriptEx is a library that allows its users to check and run Numscripts in Elixir. If this is your first time hearing about Numscripts, here is a quick explanation:

Numscript is a DSL made by Formance that simplifies complex financial transactions with scripts that are easy to read, so you don't need a big, complex and error-prone codebase to deal with your finances.

You can see and execute some examples at the Numscript Playground.


You will just need to add :numscriptex as a dependency on your mix.exs, and run the mix deps.get command:

def deps do
    {:numscriptex, "~> 0.2.1"}


NumscriptEx needs some external assets (Numscript-WASM), and you can override the default version.

Available configurations:

  • :version the binary release version to use (see numscript-wasm releases).
  • :retries number of times to retry the download in case of a network failure.


config :numscriptex,
       version: "0.0.2",
       retries: 3

These above are the default values.


This library basically has two core functions: Numscriptex.check/1 and

Want to check if your script is valid and ready to go? Use the check/1 function. Already checked the script and want to execute it? Use the run/2 function.

But before introducing these two functions, you will need to know what is the Numscriptex.Run struct.


A numscript needs some other data aside the script itself to run correctly, and Numscriptex.Run solves this problem.

If you want to know what exactly these additional data are, you can see the Numscript Playground for examples.

The abstraction is made by creating a struct:

iex>  %Numscriptex.Run{
...>    balances: %{},
...>    metadata: %{},
...>    variables: %{}
...>  }


  • :balances a map with the account's assets balances.
  • :metadata metada variables;
  • :variables variables used inside the script.

And to create a new struct, you can use the Numscriptex.Run.put/3 or Numscriptex.Run.put!/3 functions. Ex:

iex>  variables = %{"order" => "orders:2345"}
...>  balances = %{"orders:2345" => %{"USD/2" => 1000}}
...>  metadata = %{
...>    "merchants:1234" => %{"commission" => "15%"},
...>    "orders:2345" => %{"merchant" => "merchants:1234"}
...>  }
...>  |> Numscriptex.Run.put!(:balances, balances)
...>  |> Numscriptex.Run.put!(:metadata, metadata)
...>  |> Numscriptex.Run.put!(:variables, variables)

Will return:

iex> %Numscriptex.Run{
...>   variables: %{"orders:2345" => %{"USD/2" => 1000}},
...>   balances: %{"order" => "orders:2345"},
...>   metadata: %{
...>     "merchants:1234" => %{"commission" => "15%"},
...>     "orders:2345" => %{"merchant" => "merchants:1234"}
...>   }
...> }

Kindly reminder: you will always need a valid Numscriptex.Run struct to successfully execute your scripts.


To use Numscriptex.check/1 you just have to pass your numscript as it's argument. Ex:

iex>  "tmp/script.num"
...>  |>!()
...>  |> Numscriptex.check()
{:ok, %{script: script}

You don´t need to necessarily read from a file, as long as it is a string it's fine.

Sometimes, even if your script is valid, it could also return some warnings, infos or hints inside the map. Ex:

iex> {:ok, %{
...>     script: "your numscript here",
...>     warnings: [
...>             %CheckLog{
...>               character: 10,
...>               level: :warning,
...>               line: 1,
...>               message: "warning message"
...>             }
...>           ],
...>     hints: [
...>             %CheckLog{
...>               character: 2,
...>               level: :hint,
...>               line: 7,
...>               message: "hint message"
...>             }
...>           ],
...>     infos: [
...>             %CheckLog{
...>               character: 9,
...>               level: :info,
...>               line: 14,
...>               message: "info message"
...>             }
...>           ]
...>   }
...> }

The :script is the only field that will always return if your script is valid, the other three are optional.


To use your first argument must be your script (the same you used in Numscriptex.check/1), and the second must be the %Numscriptex.Run{} struct. Ex:

iex>, struct)
{:ok, result}

Where result will be something like this:

iex> %{
...>   postings: [
...>           %{
...>             amount: 100,
...>             asset: "USD/2",
...>             destination: "bar",
...>             source: "foo"
...>           }
...>         ],
...>   balances: [
...>           %{
...>             account: "foo",
...>             asset: "EUR/2",
...>             final_balance: 300,
...>             initial_balance: 300
...>           },
...>           %{
...>             account: "foo",
...>             asset: "USD/2",
...>             final_balance: 400,
...>             initial_balance: 500
...>           },
...>           %{
...>             account: "bar",
...>             asset: "USD/2",
...>             final_balance: 100,
...>             initial_balance: 0
...>           }
...>         ],
...>   accountMeta: %{}
...>   txMeta: %{}
...> }


Copyright (c) 2025 MedFlow

This library is MIT licensed. See the LICENSE for details.