
pretty print record




Pretty prints records using record definitions with help of epp. Almost all of the code is taken from shell.erl where shell commands rp and rr are defined.

How to use it

You read record definitions by using pp_print:read/1,2 and format an output with pp_record:print(Data, Defs).

How to build it

build with make all


Running an example project with a Pooler pool running Riak client connections. Instead of printing the formatted output in the shell one can simply write it to a file. This is how I normally use it.

1> {ok, Defs} = pp_record:read("deps/pooler/src/pooler.erl").
2> io:format("~s~n", [pp_record:print(sys:get_state(whereis(pool)), Defs)]).
#pool{name = pool,group = undefined,max_count = 2000,
      init_count = 10,
      start_mfa = {apa,riak_worker_start_link,[]},
      free_pids = [<0.77.0>,<0.76.0>,<0.75.0>,<0.74.0>,<0.73.0>,
      in_use_count = 0,free_count = 10,add_member_retry = 1,
      cull_interval = {1,min},
      max_age = {30,sec},
      member_sup = pooler_pool_member_sup,starter_sup = undefined,
      all_members = {dict,10,16,16,8,80,48,
      consumer_to_pid = {dict,0,16,16,8,80,48,
      starting_members = [],
      member_start_timeout = {1,min},
      auto_grow_threshold = undefined,
      stop_mfa = {erlang,exit,['$pooler_pid',kill]},
      metrics_mod = pooler_no_metrics,metrics_api = folsom,
      queued_requestors = {[],[]},
      queue_max = 50}