
N2O Sample Application



MQTT Review Application

Here is example of working N2O Review Application on top of MQTT EMQ broker.


Prepare N2O protocol federation to commercial use on top of MQTT protocol. Minimize and remove all features, duplicated by MQTT pubsub broker. Provide EMQ extension that immediately introduce N2O protocol and application to connected MQTT devices. Create single Erlang eco-system for Enterprise Protocol Federation and establish solid CORBA-, WS-, XMPP-replacement, ready for high-speed, low-latency IoT applications.


After server is running you should enable N2O over MQTT bridge EMQ plugin on plugin page and then open application sample

PING, SESSION, AUTH and MQ layers of N2O

N2O_start and n2o.js is no longer used in MQTT version of N2O. Instead N2O_start one should use MQTT_start and mqtt.js for session control replacement. We traded HEART protocol and session facilities for bult-in MQTT features. N2O authentication and authorization mechanism is also abandoned as MQTT could provide AUTH features too. Obviously wf:reg and wf:send API is also abandoned as we can use emqttd API directly and {deliver,_} protocol of ws_client gen_server.

What is added to N2O?

The one bad thing about MQTT version is that we need to store now both MQTT and BERT formatters on client.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="/spa/mq.js"></script>

Also IBM version of MQTT JavaScript library is far beyond the speed and byte magic of bert.js library provided by N2O. We packed BERT encoding inside MSS/MTU and so we see WS31 replacement as desired.

Which layers are removed from MQTT version of N2O?

This is a good part.

  • n2o_session — no Browser, so no Cookies are needed
  • n2o_stream — no XHR fallback needed
  • n2o_heart — no PING protocol needed
  • n2o_mq — syn and gproc are no longer neede
  • n2o_query — no Query Router
  • N2O.js — no pinger
  • ranch — esockd instead
  • cowboy — mochiweb for WebSockets inside EMQ

NOTE: WebSockets are not the most capacitive transport, the MQTT-SN extension is able to work on UDP streams. MQTT can work only over TCP for raw speed.

Key Things N2O is relying on

N2O is working entirely in context of ws_client processes of EMQ, just as it is working on top of ranch processes of cowboy. No additional gen_server is being introduced.

The only official transparent way with zero abstractions is to use EMQ hooks mechanism. For N2O we need to implement only two cases client.subscribe and message.delivered. On client subscribe we deliver all persistent information that are ready for the client. On Message delivered we to unpacking any N2O BERT protocol message inside MQTT session.

The single point of entrance is the event(init) message handler. It can only be reached by calling n2o_nitrogen with {init,<<>>} protocol message. However N2O MQTT is a protocol federation so we need to handle not only N2O messages, but also KVS, ROSTER, BPE, REST protocols. Thus after initialization during client.subscribe we call n2o_proto:info — the entire N2O protocol chain recursor inside message.delivered hook. This is a best place to put the federation relay for N2O modules.


  • Brought to you by 5HT and M2K