
An Elixir client library for the Traitify API



Traitify Elixir

An Elixir client library for the Traitify Developer's API


It is simple to add to any project. If you are using the hex package manager, just add the following to your mix file:

def deps do
  [ { :traitify_elixir, '~> 0.1.1' } ]

If you aren't using hex, add the a reference to the github repo.

def deps do
  [ { :traitify_elixir, github: "traitify/traitify_elixir" } ]

Then run mix deps.get in the shell to fetch and compile the dependencies.


Next, set the environment variables for the API host and your secret key. You can obtain a secret key from the developer portal. Once you register on the site, you will be provided a key as well as information on the API host.

$ export TRAITIFY_API_KEY=<your_unique_secret_key>

Example Usage


Retrieving a list of available decks is simple. Just call the all function on the Client module and pass it :decks.

$ iex -S mix
iex(1)> decks = Traitify.Client.all(:decks)

The all function returns the JSON response body from the Traitify API.

iex(2)> deck = List.first(decks)
iex(3)> deck["id"]


Once you have a deck id, you can then create an assessment.

iex(4)> assessment = Traitify.Client.create(:assessments, %{deck_id: deck["id"]})
%{"completed_at" => nil, "created_at" => 1414427522010,
  "deck_id" => "career-deck", "id" => "3668590b-f32f-4db0-94e3-d35703b28820",
  "tags" => nil}


Now that you have an assessment, it's time to get a list of the slides for that assessment

iex(5)> slides = Traitify.Client.all(:slides, assessment_id: assessment["id"]})

For each slide you can send the user's response or you can send a bulk set of responses. Here is an example of updating for a single slide:

iex(6)> Client.update(:slides, %{response: <user's answer here>, time_taken: 2},
                                 assessment_id: assessment["id"],
                                 slide_id: <slide id here>)


Finally you can retrieve the personality types/traits results for a completed assessment. If the assessment is not complete, you will receive an 'Assessment Not Found' message.

iex(7)> personality_types = Traitify.Client.all(:personality_types, [assessment_id: assessment["id"]])
iex(8)> personality_traits = Traitify.Client.all(:personality_traits, [assessment_id: assessment["id"]])

More Examples

You can check out the Elixir example application to get ideas for your own implementation. If you have questions, please contact