
A Julia package for defining and working with linear maps, also known as linear transformations or linear operators acting on vectors. The only requirement for a LinearMap is that it can act on a vector (by multiplication) efficiently.




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A Julia package for defining and working with linear maps, also known as linear transformations or linear operators acting on vectors. The only requirement for a LinearMap is that it can act on a vector (by multiplication) efficiently.

What's new

Simplified interface. Only the names AbstractLinearMap and LinearMap are exported. AbstractLinearMap is the root type that newly defined linear maps should be subtypes of. LinearMap acts as a general purpose constructor for constructing linear maps from matrices, functions or altering the properties of existing AbstractLinearMap objects, even though there is no actual type called LinearMap.


Install with the package manager, i.e. Pkg.add("LinearMaps").


Several iterative linear algebra methods such as linear solvers or eigensolvers only require an efficient evaluation of the matrix vector product, where the concept of a matrix can be formalized / generalized to a linear map (or linear operator in the special case of a square matrix).

The LinearMaps package provides the following functionality:

  1. An AbstractLinearMap type that shares with the AbstractMatrix type that it responds to the functions size, eltype, isreal, issym, ishermitian and isposdef, transpose and ctranspose and multiplication with a vector using both * or the in-place version A_mul_B!. Depending on the subtype, also At_mul_B, At_mul_B!, Ac_mul_B and Ac_mul_B! are supported. Linear algebra functions that uses duck-typing for its arguments can handle AbstractLinearMap objects similar to AbstractMatrix objects, provided that they can be written using the above methods. Unlike AbstractMatrix types, AbstractLinearMap objects cannot be indexed, neither using getindex or setindex!.
  2. A single method LinearMap that allows to construct AbstractLinearMap objects from objects of type Function, AbstractMatrix or AbstractLinearMap. This method allows to (re)define the properties (isreal, issym, ishermitian, isposdef) of the corresponding linear map.
  3. A framework for combining objects of type AbstractLinearMap and of type AbstractMatrix using linear combinations, transposition and composition, where the linear map resulting from these operations is never explicitly evaluated but only its matrix vector product is defined (i.e. lazy evaluation). The matrix vector product is written to minimize memory allocation by using a minimal number of temporary vectors. There is full support for the in-place version A_mul_B!, which should be preferred for higher efficiency in critical algorithms. In addition, it tries to recognize the properties of combinations of linear maps. In particular, compositions such as A'*A for arbitrary A or even A'*B*C*B'*A with arbitrary A and B and positive definite C are recognized as being positive definite and hermitian. In case a certain property of the resulting AbstractLinearMap object is not correctly inferred, the LinearMap method can be called to redefine the properties.


  • LinearMap

    General purpose method to construct AbstractLinearMap objects of specific types, as described in the Types section below


    Create a WrappedMap object that will respond to the methods isreal, issym, ishermitian, isposdef with the values provided by the keyword arguments. The default values correspond to the result of calling these methods on the argument A. This allows to use an AbstractMatrix within the AbstractLinearMap framework and to redefine the properties of an existing AbstractLinearMap.


    Create FunctionMap object that wraps a function describing the action of the linear map on a vector. The corresponding properties of the linear map can also be specified. Here, f represents the function implementing the action of the linear map on a vector, either as returning the result (i.e. f(src::AbstractVector) -> dest::AbstractVector) when ismutating=false (default) or as a mutating function that accepts a vector for the destination (i.e. f(dest::AbstractVector,src::AbstractVector) -> dest). M is the number of rows (length of the output vectors) and N the number of columns (length of the input vectors). When the latter is not specified, N=M. Using the second calling convention, the eltype of the resulting linear map can explicitly be specified. The keyword arguments and their default values are:

    • ismutating [=false]: false if the function f (and if provided ftranspose and or fctranspose) accepts a single vector argument corresponding to the input, and true if they accept two vector arguments where the first will be mutated so as to contain the result. In both cases, the resulting A::FunctionMap will support both the mutating as nonmutating matrix vector multiplication.
    • isreal [=true] (only in the first calling convention): if true, it will create A::FunctionMap{Float64}, otherwise A::FunctionMap{Complex128}. If the matrix representation of the function could be represented using a different eltype, then the second calling scheme is recommended.
    • issym [=false]: whether the function represents the multiplication with a symmetric matrix. If true, this will automatically enable A'*x and A.'*x.
    • ishermitian [=false]: whether the function represents the multiplication with a hermitian matrix. If true, this will automatically enable A'*x and A.'*x.
    • isposdef [=false]: whether the function represents the multiplication with a positive definite matrix.
    • ftranspose [=nothing]: an optional argument that can be used to pass a function that implements the multiplication with the transposed matrix
    • fctranspose [=nothing]: an optional argument that can be used to pass a function that implements the multiplication with the hermitian conjugated matrix
  • Base.full(linearmap)

    Creates a full matrix representation of the linearmap object, by multiplying it with the successive basis vectors.

  • All matrix multiplication methods and the corresponding mutating versions.


None of the types below need to be constructed directly; they arise from performing operations between AbstractLinearMap objects or by calling the LinearMap method described above.

  • AbstractLinearMap

    Abstract supertype

  • FunctionMap

    Type for wrapping an arbitrary function that is supposed to implement the matrix vector product as an AbstractLinearMap.

  • WrappedMap

    Type for wrapping an AbstractMatrix or AbstractLinearMap and to possible redefine the properties isreal, issym, ishermitian and isposdef. An AbstractMatrix will automatically be converted to a WrappedMap when it is combined with other AbstractLinearMap objects via linear combination or composition (multiplication). Note that WrappedMap(mat1)*WrappedMap(mat2) will never evaluate mat1*mat2, since this is more costly then evaluating mat1*(mat2*x) and the latter is the only operation that needs to be performed by AbstractLinearMap objects anyway. While the cost of matrix addition is comparible to matrix vector multiplication, this too is not performed explicitly since this would require new storage of the same amount as of the original matrices.

  • IdentityMap

    Type for representing the identity map of a certain size M=N, obtained simply as IdentityMap{T}(M), IdentityMap(T,M)=IdentityMap(T,M,N)=IdentityMap(T,(M,N)) or even IdentityMap(M)=IdentityMap(M,N)=IdentityMap((M,N)). If T is not specified, Bool is assumed, since operations between Bool and any other Number will always be converted to the type of the other Number. If M!=N, an error is returned. An IdentityMap of the correct size and element type will automatically be created if LinearMap objects are combined with I, Julia's built in identity (UniformScaling).

  • LinearCombination, CompositeMap, TransposeMap and CTransposeMap

    Used to add and multiply LinearMap objects, don't need to be constructed explicitly.


The LinearMap object combines well with the iterative eigensolver eigs, which is the Julia wrapper for Arpack.

using LinearMaps

function leftdiff!(y::Vector,x::Vector) # left difference assuming periodic boundary conditions
length(y)==length(x) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
@inbounds for i=1:N
return y

function mrightdiff!(y::Vector,x::Vector) # minus right difference
length(y)==length(x) || throw(DimensionMismatch())
@inbounds for i=1:N
return y
