
Classic Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in Java

algorithm, algorithms, data-structures, java


Classic Algorithms and Data Structures implemented in Java

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Algorithm Worst-case time complexity Average-case time complexity Best-case time complexity Auxiliary space complexity
Insertion Sort Θ(n^2) Θ(n^2) O(n) -
BubbleSort O(n^2) O(n^2) O(n) -
MergeSort Θ(nlogn) Θ(nlogn) Θ(nlogn) -
HeapSort Θ(nlogn) - - -
QuickSort Θ(n^2) Θ(nlogn) Θ(nlogn) -
CountingSort Θ(k + n) Θ(k + n) Θ(n) Θ(n)
RadixSort Θ(d(k + n)) Θ(d(k + n)) Θ(n) -
Floyd-Warshall Θ(V^3) Θ(V^3) Θ(V^3) Θ(V^2)
Kruskal O(|E|log|V|) - - -
Prim O(|E|log|V|) - - -
Bellman–Ford Θ(|E||V|) - - Θ(V)
Dijkstra O(|E| + |V|log|V|) - - -
Maximum SubArray Θ(n) Θ(n) Θ(n) Θ(1)
Knuth-Morris-Pratt Θ(n + m) Θ(n) Θ(n) Θ(n)
Rabin-Karp Θ((n - m + 1)m) Θ(n) Θ(n) -
Greatest common divisor (GCD) - - - -
Binary Search O(nlogn) O(nlogn) O(1) Θ(1)
Breadth First Search (BFS) O(|E|+|V|) O(|E|+|V|) - -
Depth First Search (DFS) O(|E|+|V|) O(|E|+|V|) - -
Topological Sort (DFS) O(|E|+|V|) O(|E|+|V|) - -
Longest Increasing Subsequence (LIS) Θ(n^2) - - Θ(n)
Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) Θ(n^2) - - Θ(n^2)

Data Structures

Data Structure Methods
Max Heap max() - Θ(1), extractMax() - O(nlogn), increaseKey() - O(logn), insert() - O(logn), heapify() - O(logn), heapsort() - O(nlogn)
Min Heap min() - Θ(1), extractMin() - O(nlogn), insert() - O(logn), heapify() - O(logn), heapsort() - O(nlogn)
MinMax Heap min() - Θ(1), max() - Θ(1), extractMin() - O(nlogn), extractMax() - O(nlogn), insert() - O(logn), heapify() - O(logn)
Disjoint Set makeSet() - Θ(1), findSet() - Θ(1), union() - Θ(1)
Trie insert() - O(|s|), search() - O(|s|), searchPrefix() - O(|s|), remove() - O(|s|), size() - O(1)
Stack push() - Θ(1), pop() - Θ(1), empty() - Θ(1), size() - Θ(1), peek() - Θ(1)
Queue enqueue() - Θ(1), dequeue() - Θ(1), empty() - Θ(1), size() - Θ(1)
Binary Search Tree insert() - O(n), search() - O(n), delete() - O(n), contains() - O(n), minimum() - O(n), maximum() - O(n), size() - Θ(1), successor() - O(n), preOrderVisit() - O(n), inOrderVisit() - O(n), postOrderVisit() - O(n)
Double Linked List insertFront() - Θ(1), removeFront() - Θ(1), insertBack() - Θ(1), removeBack() - Θ(1), head() - Θ(1), size() - Θ(1)
Linked List insertFront() - Θ(1), removeFront() - Θ(1), head() - Θ(1), size() - Θ(1)
Graph buildAdjacencyMatrix() - Θ(|V|^2), buildAdjacencyList() - Θ(|V| + |E|), addEdge() - Θ(1)
Red-Black Tree insert() - O(logn), search() - O(logn), delete() - O(logn), minimum() - O(logn), maximum() - O(logn), successor() - O(logn)
Interval Tree insert() - O(logn), search() - O(logn), find() - O(logn), findAll() - O(n), delete() - O(logn), minimum() - O(logn), maximum() - O(logn), successor() - O(logn)
Segment Tree build() - O(n), update() - O(logn), search() - O(logn)
AVL Tree insert() - O(logn), search() - O(logn), delete() - O(logn), minimum() - O(logn), maximum() - O(logn), successor() - O(logn)
B-Tree insert() - O(th), search() - O(th), delete() - O(th), successor() - O(th), predecessor() - O(th)
Fibonacci Heap insert() - O(1), minimum() - O(1), extractMin() - O(logn), decreaseKey() - O(1), delete() - O(logn)
Merkle Tree build() - O(n), verify() - O(logn), getProofPath() - O(logn)

Add to your build

To add a dependency using Gradle, use the following:

implementation 'com.alexprut:algo:v0.4.0'

To add a dependency using Gradle Kotlin DSL:


To add a dependency using Maven:



./gradlew clean build


./gradlew test

Formatting style

./gradlew goJF
./gradlew verGJF

Generate Changelog

git-chglog v1.0.0..v2.0.0


Licensed under MIT.