
libwebp JNI bindings for Android.




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What's Inside

  • Encode a series of android bitmap images to a static or an animated WebP image.
  • Extract bitmap images from an animated WebP image.


Import the library into your project.

// module level build.gradle.kts
dependencies {
    implementation ""

Publish material-components-android locally

git clone --branch release-1.12-hotfix --depth 1
cd material-components-android
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Encoding a Bitmap with WebPEncoder

// Create encoder instance
val webPEncoder = WebPEncoder(context, width, height)

// Configure the encoder
    config = WebPConfig(
        lossless = WebPConfig.COMPRESSION_LOSSLESS,
        quality = 75f
    preset = WebPPreset.WEBP_PRESET_PICTURE

// Add progress listener if desired
webPEncoder.addProgressListener {
    // Handle progress updates
    true // Return true to continue encoding, false to cancel

// Encode frame
webPEncoder.encode(srcBitmap, dstUri)

// Release resources

Encoding a list of Bitmaps with WebPAnimEncoder

val webPAnimEncoder = WebPAnimEncoder(
    context = context,
    width = width,
    height = height,
    options = WebPAnimEncoderOptions(
        minimizeSize = true,
        animParams = WebPMuxAnimParams(
            backgroundColor = Color.GREEN,
            loopCount = 3
    config = WebPConfig(
        lossless = WebPConfig.COMPRESSION_LOSSLESS,
        quality = 75f
    preset = WebPPreset.WEBP_PRESET_PICTURE

// Add progress listener if desired
webPAnimEncoder.addProgressListener {
    // Handle progress updates
    true // Return true to continue encoding, false to cancel

// Add frames to the animation
webPAnimEncoder.addFrame(timestamp, srcBitmap)
webPAnimEncoder.addFrame(timestamp, srcUri)

// Assemble the animation
webPAnimEncoder.assemble(timestamp, dstUri)

// Release resources

Decoding WebP Image with WebPDecoder

// Create decoder instance
val webPDecoder = WebPDecoder(context)

// Set data source
webPDecoder.setDataSource(context, srcUri)

// Add decode listener to receive decoding events
    object : WebPDecodeListener {
        override fun onInfoDecoded(info: WebPInfo) {
            // Handle image information

        override fun onFrameDecoded(index: Int, timestamp: Long, bitmap: Bitmap, uri: Uri?) {
            // Handle decoded frames
            // Do not recycle the bitmap image as it is reused internally

// Configure decoder
    config = DecoderConfig(
        name_prefix = "IMAGE_",
        repeat_character = '0',
        repeat_character_count = 6,
        compressFormat = Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG,
        compress_quality = 100

// Check if frames are available to decode
val hasFrames = webPDecoder.hasNextFrame()

// Get next frame index
val nextIndex = webPDecoder.nextFrameIndex()

// Decode a single frame
val decodeResult = webPDecoder.decodeNextFrame()

// Decode frames from a WebP file

// Decode only the image information from a WebP file
val info = webPDecoder.decodeInfo(srcUri)

// Release resources

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