This applications can be used to apply environment configurations to a CA API Gateway Container

gateway, gradle


Build Status Quality Gate Status Maven Central Gradle Plugin


The Gateway Developer plugin is used to develop Gateway configuration: it reads configuration files, converts them to the Gateway Restman bundle format and builds the GW7 package.

Note: The import plugin is not available for beta-release users. Availability to be announced.


To use this plugin, add the following to your gradle file:

plugins {
    id "" version "0.8.+"
    id "" version "0.8.+"

repositories {
    // This is needed in order to get dependencies for the environment 
    // creator application that is bundled in the gw7 file.

// The Gateway Export Config is needed by the gateway-export plugin in order to export from a gateway
GatewayExportConfig {
    folderPath = '/my-solution-folder'

// The Gateway Connection Config is required if setting mentioned in main [build.gradle]( is not applicable to this folder.
GatewayConnection {
    url = 'https://<gateway-host>:8443/restman'

After this is added run ./gradlew build in order to build a bundle and deployment package from a Gateway solution located in src/main/Gateway. The build will create a deployment bundle and a deployment package in build/gateway. Run gradle export in order to export a gateway solution into src/main/Gateway.

See more details on the usage of the plugin in the Wiki

Building Your Gateway Project with the Plugin

The build is done using gradle. To build the plugin run ./gradlew build.


Versioning is done using the gradle-semantic-build-versioning plugin. Every time a pull request is merged into master, the patch version is updated. For example, if the current version is 1.3.2, the next pull request merged into master will cause the version to be updated to 1.3.3. In order to update the major or minor version put either [major] or [minor] into the commit message.

Publish to Local

You can also publish the plugin to your local maven repository and print the published version by running: ./gradlew build publishToMavenLocal printVersion


The plugin is published to Bintray: ca-api-gateway/gateway-developer-plugin. This then gets promoted to jCenter and Maven Central. For more details look at the build.gradle and .travis.yml files.

How You Can Contribute

Contributions are welcome and much appreciated. To learn more, see the Contribution Guidelines.


Copyright (c) 2018 CA/Broadcom. All rights reserved.

This software may be modified and distributed under the terms of the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.