This project contains common routines I use with libGDX for games I wrote. It was a way to quickly start a project that was entity based, with or without hex coordinates and/or box2d support. Of course, dagger rules. Originally android friendly just missing a better version of guava... and its now JDK17 required. So no clue on the android support anymore.
Basically, you do do not owe me money to use this in your own project, and you can charge other people for stuff you do, just give credit where it's due. See the LICENSE file for details.
Here are the full sets of libraries available.
WARNING gamelib-net-client and gamelib-net-server are preliminary only.
ext {
gamelibVersion = '1.0.5'
dependencies {
implementation "com.codeheadsystems:gamelib-core:${gamelibVersion}"
implementation "com.codeheadsystems:gamelib-desktop:${gamelibVersion}"
implementation "com.codeheadsystems:gamelib-box2d:${gamelibVersion}"
implementation "com.codeheadsystems:gamelib-entity:${gamelibVersion}"
implementation "com.codeheadsystems:gamelib-hex:${gamelibVersion}"
implementation "com.codeheadsystems:gamelib-net-client:${gamelibVersion}"
implementation "com.codeheadsystems:gamelib-net-server:${gamelibVersion}"
If you want an example in how to use it, clone and you can run
gradle :desktop:run
gradle :desktop:entity
gradle :desktop:hex
gradle :desktop:box2d
- You can totally create your own scene to use and not have to use the entity scene. but if you do that, make sure the 'render' method of your scene calls the update method of the entity engine. If you don't, the ashley library won't work. Example:
public void render(final float delta) {
- If you use the EntityGenerator with the EntityScreen given, and you are on android, be aware that the generators run each time the screen show() method is called. This is likely not what you want. Your main scene should do the right thing. EntityScreen is there just to get you started.
I opened source this to see if it can help others, and to get feedback in the new game communications library I'm doing. Basically I got bored and wanted to write a client/server framework that was fairly high performant. Currently uses JSON but I plan on switching to protobufs. (Eventually)
I'll have a sample client in Java and Rust when its done.
This is not well tested via jUnit tests, though some of it is. This is not the best way to use libGDX. This was what I did for Java games I wrote.