
Some libraries to do simple tasks simply




Many common tools.

License: The MIT License (MIT)


  • jl-smalltools: A couple of small tools that are mostly one class each.


  • jl-smalltools-main: The core with a lot of tools.
    • Converters: frequency, time, space.
    • Smooth triggers.
    • Standard hashers: MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512
    • Files and directories helpers.
    • and more.
  • jl-smalltools-bouncycastle: Some more tools to work with encryption by using Bouncy Castle.
  • jl-smalltools-database: Some more tools to work with JDBC databases (for now, mostly just the Upgrader tracker and abstract task to manage JDBC databases).
  • jl-smalltools-hibernate61: Some more tools to work with Hibernate 6.1 (for now, mostly just a tool to generate an SQL file for a specific dialect using the Entity classes).
  • jl-smalltools-hibernate63: Some more tools to work with Hibernate 6.3 (for now, mostly just a tool to generate an SQL file for a specific dialect using the Entity classes).
  • jl-smalltools-mongodb: Some more tools to work with MongoDB.
    • the Upgrader tracker.
    • Some distributed basic data structures that are backed by MongoDB. (Map, Queue/Deque, ReentrantLock, Spring Cache)
    • Some helpers to manage collections and wait on Change Streams.
  • jl-smalltools-mongodb-spring:
    • the Upgrader abstract task to manage MongoDB databases.
    • Spring Cache implementation that uses MongoDB.
  • jl-smalltools-spring: Some more tools to work with Spring.
    • Some basic POJOs to create a REST API.
    • Some tools to copy POJOs values.
    • Helpers to send emails in text or HTML. Can also send emails with attachments and use Freemarker template.
  • jl-smalltools-ssh:
    • Some helpers to use jsch to connect to a SSH server.
    • Can execute commands and redirect the output to a file or a stream.
    • Can create an SFTP channel and let you upload/download files.


Include this library to your project.



  • The version number is in the format MAJOR.MINOR.BUGFIX (e.g 0.1.0).
  • The API in a MAJOR release is stable. Everything that will be removed in the next MAJOR release are marked as deprecated.

For changes/removal in the stable API:

  • When something is in the stable API, it will be there for all the releases in the same MAJOR version.
  • Everything that will be removed in the next MAJOR version is marked as @deprecated and the Javadoc will explain what to use instead if there is a workaround.

Deployment instructions


# For locally testing and skip checking the tests:
./   # Will use master-SNAPSHOT as the version

# For locally testing:
./   # Will use master-SNAPSHOT as the version

# For creating a public release and publishing it

You can see releases available: