
SharedPreferences library that extends to Android Wear and Google Play Games




A library that interfaces with SharedPreferences and makes it easy to store data across devices including Android Wear syncing

I've found that, for saving simple data, the SharedPreferences class is great. This library wraps SharedPreferences to easily integrate that with Android Wear through automatic syncing, Google Drive, and Google Play Games.


You can get the vanilla SettingsManager through Gradle:

compile 'com.github.fleker:settingsmanager:1.3.1'



new SettingsManager(Context)


setInt(int resId, int value) or setInt(String key, int value)

You can set a value by passing the resource id of your key or the key directly, along with the value you want saved.

getInt(int resId) or getInt(String key)

You can get an integer value by passing the resource id of your key or the key directly.

These methods also work for Boolean, String, and Long.

Google Play Games - Cloud Saves

Cloud saves require you to write and read byte arrays. It's easy to turn your SharedPreferences into a JSONObject and then to a byte array by calling:


And you can read them by calling:

readSnapshotAsBytes(byte[] array)

You should read the documentation on cloud saves to learn more about their implementation. This library just makes it easy to store and read data.

Android Wear

To sync your phone with Android Wear, use the WearSettingsManager class by including the following library on your phone:

compile 'com.github.fleker:settingsmanager-wear:1.3.1'

Your watch will require a slightly separate version of the library. You can use the WatchSettingsManager to sync data back to the phone.

compile 'com.github.fleker:settingsmanager-wearable:1.3.1'

Both classes are extensions of the SyncableSettingsManager class that, when a value is changed, syncs all of the data. This works both ways, if data is changed on the phone or on the watch. By including the library, the necessary listeners will be added to the project on each device. You can extend this class to implement your own data syncing functionality.

You can manually reset data to another device by calling:


Storing Arrays

If you want to easily store an array in SharedPreferences you should consider using the CommaArray class. Included in the library, it will store an array of data as a String separated by commas. This could be a great way to store numbers.


To get a CommaArray pass a String, preferably one from your SettingsManager:

CommaArray mCommaArray = new CommaArray(sm.getString(R.string.key));


To save this data, you can update the value in SettingsManager

sm.setString(R.string.key, mCommaArray.toString());


Name Return Description
size() int Returns the number of items
get(int pos) String Returns the item at the given position as a String. To get a number you will need to parse this value.
last() String Gets the item at the end of the array
set(int pos, String val) void Changes the value of a particular item in the array at a given index
add(String val) CommaArray Appends an item to the end of the array and then returns itself
remove(String val) void Removes the first item matching the value
contains(String val) boolean Returns true if one item in the array matches a given value
toString() String Returns the array as a string, joined by commas
sum() long Returns the summation of all items in the array (assuming they are all integers)
getIterator() Iterator Returns an iterator for this array
truncate(int newSize) void Removes items from the head of the array until it is at its new size
getRange(int start) CommaArray Returns an array with items starting at a given position
getRange(int start, int end) CommaArray Returns an array with items between two positions
average() long Returns the average value of all items in the array (assuming they are all integers)
averageDelta() long For incrementing values like timestamps, returns the average change between subsequent items (assuming they are all integers)