
Easy test data creator for SQL databases

java, sql, test-data, testing


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Nowadays almost every project has acceptance/integration/other tests which use a dedicated test database with some test data inside. JFixtures is a small java lib that helps to define the test data in a human-readable YAML format and to translate the data into a plain SQL. At some degree it is a port of Ruby On Rails fixtures but for java world (or any other JVM language such as groovy, scala, e.t.c.)

Disclaimer: only generation of PG SQL(and compatible) is supported at the moment.

That's wrong with SQL ?

Of course, all the test data could be defined as a SQL script(or scripts), so why JFixtures?

Because describing test data in SQL constructions is inconvenient:

  • It it hard to match values to columns:
INSERT INTO users(id, first_name, last_name, middle_name age, sex, is_admin, is_guest) VALUES (5, 'Vladimir', 'Korobkov',
'Vadimovich', 'm', 29, true, false); 

Imagine, when your're typing and your cursor is somewhere in the middle of VALUES (...) part of the statement, it is hard enough to understand which value belongs to which column. The more insert statements/more columns you have, the harder understanding and maintainability of such code.

  • Hard management of references:
INSERT INTO comment(id, ticket_id, user_id, text) VALUES (1, 4, 8, 'Hello, world');

Table comment has two foreign keys: ticket_id and user_id. You need to match foreign keys of the comment table to primary keys of the referred tables manually which is not intuitive and looks really unreadable - you need to lookup to other place of the script for get the values of ticket_id/user_id.

  • Tables order matters and you need to take it into account. The referred tables go first, the referring tables go last. That means poor developer has to remember the whole tables hierarchy.

  • It is verbose - for each row you need to duplicate all this ceremony: INSERT INTO <table> (...) VALUES(...)

JFixtures way

  • Human readable test data description with a set of yaml files
  • SQL scrip as result
  • Human readable, defined by user, string keys for each row instead of numeric IDs
  • Numeric PK's are auto generated, however, user can specify them manually
  • Foreign key values get calculated automatically(see example below)
  • Table references are defined explicitly in a special .conf.yml file.
  • Tables in output SQL script appear in the right order(according to references between the tavles)
  • Early errors detection: fixture processing fails on sytax errors, circular references, incorrect foreign key value, e.t.c.
  • A small java library with only dependency(org.yaml:snakeyaml)

JFixtures offers you to populate a number of readable YAML files with test data and than it converts these files into a SQL script. Let's define the following tables: user and ticket. Each user could be a reporter and an assignee of any ticket.

Let's create an empty folder and add 2 new YML files - one file per table: user.yml and ticket.yml.


    first_name: Vladimir
    second_name: Korobkov
    age: 29
    role: admin
    first_name: Alex
    second_name: Krasnov
    age: 20
    role: developer


    reporter: vlad
    title: Project skeleton
    text: To create a project skeleton and push into github
    assignee: vlad
    reporter: vlad
    title: Include a test framework
    text: To include spock framework into pom.xml and to create a dummy unit test
    assignee: alex

Now we need to describe the relations between the tables in a special file:


        reporter: user # ticket.reporter refers to
        assignee: user # ticket.assignee refers to

That's is really all - now we can generate a valid SQL file with all the test data. We just need a few lines of java code(later I am planning to create also an executable JAR file and a maven plugin for doing that):

import com.github.vkorobkov.jfixtures.JFixtures;


That's all! Output SQL file will contain all the required INSERT instructions or correct order, with correct primary/foreign keys and with DELETE FROM <table> instruction for cleaning up every table before inserting a new test data.

No hard magic here - yml file names get converted as they are(but without .yml extension) into table names. Each row has a human readable key like vlad and alex for user table and like skeleton and tests for ticket table. These keys get converted into a numeric PK columns named id for each table. Foreign key values get resolved using row keys and table relation definitions from .conf.yml:. Tables are getting sorted accordingly: the referred tables go first, the referring tables go last. Circular dependencies get detected and an exception will be thrown.