parent for ig us rfed orchestration




FIX Repository Orchestrations for IG Group Rules of Engagement


This project specialises the standard FIX orchestration to build IG Orchestrations (repositories) and corresponding JSON schemas and Java bindings.

API Markdown Documents


Project Structure

│ - Describes how to build the project using Apache Maven and NPM, the outputs of the mvn build steps is generally in subdirectories named  “target”.
└───chart-data - For the Chart Data API this contains the JSON Schema source code and build for the Java bindings.
│   └───java-bindings - Generates the Java/JSON bindings.
│   └───json-schema - Source code for the JSON schema.
└───fixp - For the FIX Performance protocol this contains the JSON Schema source code and build for the Java bindings.
│   └───java-binding - Generates the Java/JSON bindings
│   └───json-schema - Source code for the JSON schema.
└───ig-us-rfed – Contains the FIX “orchestration” and supporting information for the IG US RFED API.
│   |───document/
│   |   └───document-websocket - Generates the Rules of Engagement in markdown and HTML for the WebSocket API.
│   |   └───document-fixt - Generates the Rules of Engagement in markdown and HTML for the FIX50sp2/FIXT1.1 API.
│   └───java-binding - Generates the Java/JSON bindings.
│   └───json-schema – Generates the JSON Schema.
│   └───orchestration – Generates the IG RFED “orchestration” from the FIX Standard orchestration – an XML document.
│   └───ts-interface - TypeScript interfaces.
|___otc - location for OTC API resources

How To

You can build this project using jdk8 as follows:

git clone
cd ig-orchestrations
mvn clean install

TypeScript interfaces

Once ig-orchestration has been built, TypeScript interfaces can be generated using NodeJs to use for frontend purposes or applications that use TypeScript.

To generate these, run 2 commands:

npm install # installs javascript dependencies  
npm start # generates TypeScript interfaces from JSON Schemas