A Kotlin library to retrieve all UK train stations and their locations from Android and iOS devices.
repositories {
dependencies {
The sample project also uses this structure.
The library is compiled with JVM 17 so the relevant -jvm-target
needs to be set.
This can be added to app level build.gradle.kts
kotlin {
In the manifest.xml
, ensure the following permission is available:
Initialise the SDK in the Application
context = this
Create your own ViewModel or use one of the existing KMP ViewModels.
If using your own VM, derive it from StationsSdkDiComponent
Then inject the SDK.
private val stationsSDK = injectStations<NrStationsSDK>()
The API uses Flow which encapsulates a StationsResultState
to indicate success or failure.
stationsSDK.getAllStations().collect { stationsResult ->
when (stationsResult) {
is StationsResultState.Success -> {}
is StationsResultState.Failure -> {}
stationsSDK.getNearbyStations(latitude: Double, longitude: Double)
iOS currently uses local Cocoapods gradle integration.
In the podfile, add the following under the target
pod 'nrstations', :path => '~/[PATH_TO_NRStationsKMP/nrstations/]'
If the pod file doesn't exist, then create a new one
and run pod install
Add KMMObservableViewModel to the iOS package dependencies.
Add the following KMM ViewModel extension in the project - see the sample app for more details:
extension Kmp_observableviewmodel_coreViewModel: ViewModel { }
In AppDelegate
, initialise the SDK
apiConfig: DefaultAPIConfig.shared.apiConfig,
enableLogging: false
import nrstations
import KMPObservableViewModelCore
import KMPObservableViewModelSwiftUI
In the SwiftUI View
@StateViewModel var stationsViewModel = NrStationsViewModel()
switch stationsViewModel.uiState {
case let uiState as StationsUiStateLoaded:
// update view with Stations
case let uiState as StationsUiStateError:
// handle error
The library utilises an actual testing service that includes all train stations across the UK mainland, along with a few connected via EuroStar. Updates are made whenever a new station is opened.
Sample applications can utilise this, but for production applications, it is advisable to create a dedicated instance from this link.
An APIConfig
object can be passed into to initStationsSDK
to configure the server URL.
You can choose to add MAPS_API_KEY=<your key>
in local.properties
to enable Google Maps.
Kotlin Coroutines
Kotlinx Serialization
Ktor client library
Android Architecture Components
Jetpack Compose
Napier Logger
Multiplatform Settings
Licensed under the EUPL-1.2-or-later.
The EUPL covers distribution through a network or SaaS (like a compatible and interoperable AGPL).