Please checkout the Medium article on pattern/library usage.
- Introduction
- v3.X Breaking change
- Dependencies
- Examples
- The basic task - Load-Content-Error
- Tools and Handy abstractions to mix-in
- Multi-module applications
- Running state-machines in parallel (composition)
- Conclusion
- Note on multiplatform
An MVI pattern of architecting modern applications has been getting more and more popular in the recent time. There are a lot of articles describing the pattern but to recap let's see the key points that make up the approach:
- Model - A model holds the representation of the data state and changes it with reducing logic. Data changes are propagated to the view layer as a stream of complete view-states.
View - The view layer observes user actions and view-state changes from the model. As a result,
it sets the intention for the triggered UI gesture passing it to the model to process. - Intent - A representation of user's gestures that changes the state of the model. View handles widget interactions and provides a stream of gestures to the model through the unified interface.
Key advantages of MVI:
- Single source of truth - one set of data and logic to define complete view-state
- Unidirectional data flow
- Thorough and complete testing of all logic with unit tests
However (as with any technology) there are some downsides that you come across along with your app growth:
- Too much overkill for simple functions like LCE (Load/Content/Error) display
- Too much reducer logic based on if/else of the current data state which plays badly in complex multi-step scenarios.
- Quite a learning curve to grasp the technology
The simple pattern presented by this project aims to overcome the above drawbacks and to give you more freedom to choose technology and to build a cohesive logic and data processing in a "less-opinionated" way.
Key features:
- Well-known approach - nothing new
- No restriction on your coding approach, technology stack and style
- A great way to isolate and test your logic - low coupling and high cohesion
- Should work well in kotlin-multiplatform projects
- Easy to integrate with multi-module architecture
- Designed for Jetpack Compose but it is not a restriction
- May (if you like to) work as a navigation library
- Explicit
gesture management with the total control of yours - Get rid of
for navigation, dialogs and even side-effects like toasts if you like to by completely describing the current UI state.
To be able to get the current UI state of the state-machine and to get rid of inconsistency of the
UI state is not yet defined (no updates of UI state happened) the FlowStateMachine
the ProxyMachineState
now require to pass initial UI state in constructors.
The project has a very simple core to implement yourself but you could also grab the latest core version like that:
dependencies {
// Base state-machine components
implementation "com.motorro.commonstatemachine:commonstatemachine:x.x.x"
// Coroutine extensions (optional)
implementation "com.motorro.commonstatemachine:coroutines:x.x.x"
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
// Base state-machine components
// Coroutine extensions (optional)
- LCE - basic example of Load-Content-Error application
- Welcome - multi-module example of user on-boarding flow
- Parallel - two machines running in parallel in one proxy state
- Navbar - several machines running in proxy state, one of them active at a time
- Mixed - two machines of different gesture/UI system mixed in one state
- Lifecycle - track your Android app lifecycle to pause pending operations when the app is suspended
Let's start with a basic example. Imagine we need to implement the classic master-detail view of
items with the following screen flow:
Let's break down business requirements...
We have four application logical states which correspond to screen states for this application:
- Item list - the list of items to load is displayed. User clicks an item to load it's contents.
- Loading item - the network operation is running. User waits for operation to complete.
- Item content - the loaded item content is displayed. User may return back to item list.
- Item load error - the load operation has failed and we have a choice to retry load or to quit the application.
The state diagram with the corresponding transitions will be the following:
The diagram above, as you can see, has two types of inter-state
Red - user Intentions: clicks, swipes and other interactive
that are originated by application user. -
Blue - transitions made by application logic: content display, errors, etc.
Each logical state may transition to another logical state as a result of Gesture
or state's internal
Let's take a look at which Gestures
each logical state processes and how they transition
logical states:
Logical state | Ui-State | Gesture/Event | Next state | Output |
ItemList | ItemList | Back | Terminated | Finishes activity |
ItemClicked | Loading | Loads requested item | ||
Loading | Loading | Back | Item list | Cancels load and returns to list |
onContent | Content | Displays loaded item | ||
onError | Error | Displays load error | ||
Content | Item | Back | Item list | Returns to the item list |
Error | Error | Back | Item list | Returns to the item list |
Retry | Loading | Retries load operation | ||
Exit | Terminated | Finishes activity |
Each logical state should be able to:
- Update
- Process some relevant user interactions -
ignoring irrelevant - Hold some internal data state
- Transition to another logical state passing some of the shared data between
Logical state may be implemented as a self-contained controller having an input, output and internal data and a set of rules to process gestures, to reduce data and to pass it to the next state when logic falls behind what's relevant for this state.
First of all we need some kind of a bridge between the current logical state and the outside world. The state machine should be able to:
- Hold the active logical state
- Transition between states
- Delegate gesture processing to the current state
- Propagate UI-state changes to the outside world
- Clean-up all resources on shutdown
process(gesture: G)
- Called by view upon user action. Delegated to current state. -
- Called by view/framework to cleanup resources. Like inonCleared
. -
setMachineState(machineState: CommonMachineState<G, U>)
- Called by active state to transition to the new one. -
setUiState(uiState: U)
- Called by active state to update view.
The concrete state machine implementation provides a way to update the view with a new UI state.
For example the FlowStateMachine
exports UI state changes through uiState
shared flow:
open class FlowStateMachine<G: Any, U: Any>(
initialUiState: U,
init: () -> CommonMachineState<G, U>
) : CommonStateMachine.Base<G, U>(init) {
private val mediator = MutableStateFlow<U>(initialUiState)
* ExportedUI state
val uiState: StateFlow<U> = mediator
* Current UI state
* @return current UI state or `null` if not yet available
override fun getUiState(): U = mediator.value
* Subscription count to allow special actions on view connect/disconnect
val subscriptionCount: StateFlow<Int> = mediator.subscriptionCount
final override fun setUiState(uiState: U) {
The base state class has three interaction methods:
doProcess(gesture: G)
- Called by the state-machine to process gesture. -
setUiState(uiState: U)
- Call from within your state implementation to update UI State. -
setMachineState(machineState: CommonMachineState<G, U>)
- Call from implementation to transition to the new state
and two lifecycle methods:
- Called by the state-machine when your state becomes active. -
- Called by the state machine when your current state is about to be destroyed either by replacing by the new state or when state-machine is about to be destroyed.
The state lives between doStart
and doClear
calls. You could safely call interaction methods
and expect gesture processing calls within that period. Make sure to cleanup all your pending
operations in doClear
handler. For example, the CoroutineState
provides you the stateScope
coroutine scope that is being cancelled in doClear
abstract class CoroutineState<G: Any, U: Any>: CommonMachineState<G, U>() {
protected val stateScope = CoroutineScope(SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.Main.immediate)
override fun doClear() {
Let's implement our application now. For this simple example we will skip some handy abstractions
like state-factory
, context
and renderer
that help you to build your states and separate
concerns. Will talk about it later.
ItemListState is a starting state for our application. It displays the list of items to load. The list is hardcoded for this example so we just emit a complete view-state when started:
private val items = listOf(
ItemId.LOADS_CONTENT to "Item that loads",
ItemId.FAILS_WITH_ERROR to "Item that fails to load"
override fun doStart() {
setUiState(LceUiState.ItemList( { ItemModel(it.first, it.second) }))
Handle relevant gestures by transitioning the state-machine to the newly created states.
The LoadingState
constructor accepts an id of item to load as an inter-state common data.
override fun doProcess(gesture: LceGesture) = when(gesture) {
is LceGesture.ItemClicked -> onItemClicked(
is LceGesture.Back -> onBack()
else -> super.doProcess(gesture)
private fun onItemClicked(id: ItemId) {
private fun onBack() {
LoadingState emulates an asynchronous operation:
override fun doStart() {
private fun load() {
stateScope.launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
// Run a request in a state-bound scope
// ...
withContext(Dispatchers.Main) {
// Handle result
Depending on the item we pass the state transitions to either a ContentState
or an ErrorState
passing either the mock content or the error occurred as an inter-state data:
private fun toContent() {
setMachineState(ContentState("Some item data..."))
private fun toError() {
setMachineState(ErrorState(id, IOException("Failed to load item")))
ContentState is very
simple. It just sets the UI state to display data passed to the constructor and handles a Back
gesture to return to the item list:
override fun doStart() {
override fun doProcess(gesture: LceGesture) = when (gesture) {
LceGesture.Back -> onBack()
else -> super.doProcess(gesture)
private fun onBack() {
The ErrorState gives a
user the ability to retry item load or to exit the app. Also it handles Back
gesture to return to
the item list. Handling all user interactions through your state machine gives you a precise control
on what happens next. The item ID passed in the constructor as an inter-state data makes it possible
to preserve user's selection and to restart loading from scratch.
// Inter-state data:
// - failed - an ID of item failed to load
// - error - the error to display
class ErrorState(private val failed: ItemId, private val error: Throwable) : LceLogicalState() {
override fun doStart() {
// Display error...
override fun doProcess(gesture: LceGesture) = when (gesture) {
LceGesture.Back -> onBack()
LceGesture.Retry -> onRetry()
LceGesture.Exit -> onExit()
else -> super.doProcess(gesture)
private fun onRetry() {
// Pass the failed item ID to the loading state to initialize it
private fun onBack() {
private fun onExit() {
Now that we have all states in place let's connect them together with a state machine. We need some place to retain a machine through the application flow so let's wrap it to the Jetpack ViewModel which is common now:
class LceViewModel : ViewModel() {
* Creates initial state for state-machine
* You could process a deep-link here or restore from a saved state
private fun initStateMachine(): CommonMachineState<LceGesture, LceUiState> = ItemListState()
* State-machine instance
private val stateMachine = FlowStateMachine(::initStateMachine)
* UI State to export
val state: StateFlow<LceUiState> = stateMachine.uiState
* Delegates gesture processing to the state-machine and the active state
fun process(gesture: LceGesture) {
* Runs when ViewModel is about to be destroyed
override fun onCleared() {
All we need to do here is:
- to create a state-machine instance
- to figure out the initial state that machine will start from
- to wire ui-state and gesture processing with the outside world
And here is an abstract of the view that interacts with the model:
fun LceScreen(onExit: @Composable () -> Unit) {
val model: LceViewModel = viewModel()
val state = model.state.collectAsState(LceUiState.Loading)
// Process back gestures with a model
BackHandler(onBack = { model.process(Back) })
when (val uiState = state.value) {
LceUiState.Loading -> Loading()
is LceUiState.ItemList -> ItemList(
state = uiState,
onItemClicked = { model.process(ItemClicked(it)) }
is LceUiState.Error -> LoadError(
state = uiState,
onRetry = { model.process(Retry) },
onBack = { model.process(Back) },
onExit = { model.process(Exit) }
is LceUiState.Item -> ItemDetails(state = uiState)
LceUiState.Terminated -> onExit()
Compose library plays greatly here but you could easily adapt a fragment transaction or a recycler view architecture as well.
As you can see the state-machine pattern may be a good choice in implementing your MVI architecture. It produces a clean and easy to grasp step-by-step logic with well-separated concerns and easy and thorough testing. The pattern also attempts to be as non-opinionated as possible. Each state is a black-box with a defined contract and developers may choose the most suitable tools to implement each one without affecting the other. The example above is a very basic one. However you could do things a bit more clean by using some of the additional abstractions (see below).
In the basic example above all the work was done by the state objects. They did:
- running a "network operation"
- view-state data rendering
- next state creation
That is a quite a huge responsibility which might not be so good in terms of coupling and testing. So let's introduce some abstractions that will lift the burden off the state's shoulders.
By use-case I assume any business logic external to your view logic implemented in a state. Be it some network operation or some other "use-case" - provide it to your state and use them as you like. There is nothing new here - I'm sure you already use the approach in your flavour of Clean Architecture or similar. Example of using an external use-case could be found in examples/welcome/welcome example:
class CredentialsCheckState(private val checkCredentials: CheckCredentials) {
// State logic
override fun doStart() {
stateScope.launch {
// Runs use-case
val valid = checkCredentials()
Note on threading: the library doesn't provide any threading support and not thread-safe. So it
is your responsibility to implement correct thread handling so all state changes happen on
the desired thread.
creates it's scope with Dispatchers.Main.immediate
Preparing the complex view-state from your state data might be a non-trivial task in applications with complex interface. Moving a coupling to the view-state and data structures from your state logic might be a good idea. Testing the exact view-state creation would be much easier if you make it as more or less a clean function. Also your logic states may share the same rendering logic so externalizing it would play greatly in terms of code reuse. For example the same view-state rendering is used by PasswordEntryState and ErrorState of examples/welcome/welcome example. You could inject your renderer in a state factory or get it from common context (see below).
Creating new states explicitly to pass them to the state-machine later (like in the basic example) is not a good idea in terms of coupling and dependency provision.
The machine state, when created, may require three main classes of dependencies:
- State-specific dependencies like use-cases state operates.
- Inter-state data e.g. data loaded in a previous state, common data state, etc.
- Common dependencies for all states in machine: renderers, resource providers, factories
You are free to choose the way to provide dependencies however let's take a look at the approach that I came to while using the state-machine pattern.
To provide dependencies that are specific to each particular state I go with dedicated state factories that are injected with your DI framework. Let's take an example above and extend it with a state-factory:
class CredentialsCheckState(private val checkCredentials: CheckCredentials) {
// State logic
* Dedicated state factory
class Factory @Inject constructor(private val checkCredentials: CheckCredentials) {
operator fun invoke(): LoginState = CredentialsCheckState(
By inter-state data I assume any dynamic data that is passed between states. It may be a product of some calculation, user-generated data, etc. The most obvious way is providing it through the state constructor:
class CredentialsCheckState(
private data: LoginDataState,
private val checkCredentials: CheckCredentials
) {
* Should have valid email at this point
private val email = requireNotNull( {
"Email is not provided"
* Should have valid password at this point
private val password = requireNotNull(data.password) {
"Password is not provided"
Common dependencies may include renderers, state factories, common external interfaces and anything else that is required by all states that make up the state-machine. For convenience and to save the number of constructor params I suggest to bind them to some common interface and provide it as a whole. Let's name it a common Context:
interface LoginContext {
* Common state factory (see below)
val factory: LoginStateFactory
* External interface
val host: WelcomeFeatureHost
* UI-state renderer
val renderer: LoginRenderer
Then you could provide it to your state through the constructor parameters. To make things even easier let's make some base state for the state-machine assembly and use a delegation to provide each context dependency:
abstract class LoginState(
context: LoginContext
): CoroutineState<LoginGesture, LoginUiState>(), LoginContext by context {
override fun doProcess(gesture: LoginGesture) {
Timber.w("Unsupported gesture: %s", gesture)
Thus every sub-class of the LoginState
has any context dependency at hand by getting it from the
corresponding property as if the were provided explicitly:
class CredentialsCheckState(
context: LoginContext,
private val data: LoginDataState,
private val checkCredentials: CheckCredentials
) : LoginState(context) {
override fun doStart() {
// Use a context-provided dependency
* Factory updated to pass common context
class Factory @Inject constructor(private val checkCredentials: CheckCredentials) {
operator fun invoke(
context: LoginContext,
data: LoginDataState
): LoginState = CredentialsCheckState(
As I've already mentioned, creating new states explicitly to pass them to the state-machine later (like in the basic example) is not a good idea in terms of coupling and dependency provision.
Let's move it away from our machine states by introducing a common factory interface that will take the responsibility to provide dependencies and abstract our state creation logic:
interface LoginStateFactory {
* Enter existing user password
* @param data Login data state
fun passwordEntry(data: LoginDataState): LoginState
* Checks email/password
* @param data Data state
fun checking(data: LoginDataState): LoginState
* Password error screen
fun error(data: LoginDataState, error: Throwable): LoginState
Each factory method here will accept only the inter-state data providing both context and state-specific dependencies implicitly. This will decouple state logic from the concrete implementations and increase our testability greatly.
The exact factory implementation that binds together all data and dependencies will look like that:
class LoginStateFactoryImpl @Inject constructor(
host: WelcomeFeatureHost, // External interface
renderer: LoginRenderer, // Renderer
private val createCredentialsCheck: CredentialsCheckState.Factory // Concrete state factory
) : LoginStateFactory {
// Dependencies common for each state provided through the context
private val context: LoginContext = object : LoginContext {
override val factory: LoginStateFactory = this@Impl
override val host: WelcomeFeatureHost = host
override val renderer: LoginRenderer = renderer
override fun passwordEntry(data: LoginDataState): LoginState {
// Create explicitly
return PasswordEntryState(context, data)
override fun checking(data: LoginDataState): LoginState {
// Use provided state-factory
return createCredentialsCheck(context, data)
override fun error(data: LoginDataState, error: Throwable): LoginState {
// Create explicitly
return ErrorState(context, data, error)
The factory is made available to your machine states through the common context:
class CredentialsCheckState(context: LoginContext) : LoginState(context) {
// State logic...
* A part of [process] template to process UI gesture
override fun doProcess(gesture: LoginGesture) = when(gesture) {
LoginGesture.Back -> onBack()
else -> super.doProcess(gesture)
private fun onBack() {
// Use provided factory to create a new state
Then we could mock the factory in our tests and check state transitions:
class CredentialsCheckStateTest {
private val data = LoginDataState()
private val factory: LoginStateFactory = mockk()
private val passwordEntry: LoginState = mockk()
fun returnsToPasswordEntryOnBack() = runTest {
every { factory.passwordEntry(any()) } returns passwordEntry
verify { stateMachine.setMachineState(passwordEntry) }
verify { factory.passwordEntry(data) }
We can also provide the state factory to the ViewModel
and use it to initialize our state-machine:
class LoginViewModel @Inject constructor(private val factory: LoginStateFactory) : ViewModel() {
* Creates initializing state
private fun initializeStateMachine(): CommonMachineState<WelcomeGesture, WelcomeUiState> {
// Obtain data required to start from a saved-state handle or injection
val commonData: LoginDataState = LoginDataState()
return factory.passwordEntry(commonData)
* State machine
private val stateMachine = FlowStateMachine(::initializeStateMachine)
Imaging we have a resource-consuming operation, like location tracking, running in our state. It may
save client's resources if we choose to pause tracking when the view is inactive - app goes to
background or the Android activity is paused. In that case I suggest to create some special gestures
and pass them to state-machine for processing. For example, the FlowStateMachine
exports the uiStateSubscriptionCount
property that is a flow of number of subscribers listening to
the uiState
property. If you use some repeatOnLifecycle
to subscribe uiState
, you could use this property to figure out some special processing. For
convenience there is an mapUiSubscriptions
extension function available to reduces boilerplate.
It accepts two gesture-producing functions and updates the state-machine with them when subscriber's
state changes:
class WithIdleViewModel : ViewModel() {
* Creates initial state for state-machine
* You could process a deep-link here or restore from a saved state
private fun initStateMachine(): CommonMachineState<SomeGesture, SomeUiState> = InitialState()
* State-machine instance
private val stateMachine = FlowStateMachine(Loading, ::initStateMachine)
* UI State
val state: StateFlow<SomeUiState> = stateMachine.uiState
init {
// Subscribes to active subscribers count and updates state machine with corresponding
// gestures
onActive = { SomeGesture.OnActive },
onInactive = { SomeGesture.OnInactive }
Let's take a more complicated example with a multi-screen flow like the customer on-boarding.
The user is required to accept terms and conditions and to enter his email. Then the logic checks if
he is already registered or a new customer and runs the appropriate flow to login or to register
a user. Imagine we want the login flow and the registration flow to be in separate modules to split
the work between teams. The state diagram would be the following:
The project uses the following modules:
- examples/welcome/welcome - common flow: preloading, email entry, customer check, complete
- commoncore - common abstractions to build application: dispatchers, resources, etc.
- commonapi - common multi-platform module to connect the main app with modules
- login - login flow
- commonregister - multi-platform registration logic
register - android view module for registration (separate because I've failed to implemented
it in android source of
due to some multiplatform misconfiguration)
As you could see in the diagram above each login
and commonregister
start after the email is
checked and the answer to user's registration status is obtained. The module flow starts from
password entry screen though a bit different. Each module flow returns to the main flow either:
- when flow completes succefully - transfers to
- when user hits
- transfers back to email entry
Let's define the main flow interaction API then:
interface WelcomeFeatureHost {
* Returns user to email entry screen
* @param data Common registration state data
fun backToEmailEntry()
* Authentication complete
fun complete()
We then place the definition to the module available to all modules: commonapi
and provide the
interface through the common state context like this:
interface LoginContext {
* Flow host
val host: WelcomeFeatureHost
// Other dependencies...
Each module has it's own sealed system of gesture/view-states:
Module name | Gestures | UI-states |
welcome | WelcomeGesture | WelcomeUiState |
login | LoginGesture | LoginUiState |
commonregister | RegisterGesture | RegisterUiState |
Each module is completely independent in terms of gestures and UI states, and we also have a proprietary set of 'handy abstractions' for each module: renderers, factories, use-cases, etc. See the source code for more details. Now that we have all module-flows designed and tested we need to find a way to connect completely heterogeneous systems to a single flow.
Given that gesture and view system are bound to state-machine through generics we need to build
some adapters to be able to run the flow within the main application state-flow. Things to do:
- Adapt gestures so they are plugged-in to the
gesture flow. - Adapt view-states so the view-system could display them.
- Somehow run the alien state-flow within the
To adopt feature-module gestures there are at least two solutions:
- Get rid of sealed systems and inherit the common-api base marker interface for all gestures and
view-states. Though simple, the solution is not ideal as we lose the type-safe
exhaustive checks when we dispatch gestures in our states. So let's drop it... - Make a wrapping adapter that wraps the foreign gesture/view-state and unwrap it later when passing them to concrete implementation. Thus we don't loose compiler support and type-safety. Let's follow this route
Gesture adapter:
sealed class WelcomeGesture {
// Native gestures...
* Login flow gesture
* @property value Login flow gesture
data class Login(val value: LoginGesture) : WelcomeGesture()
* Register flow gesture
* @property value Register flow gesture
data class Register(val value: RegisterGesture) : WelcomeGesture()
UI-state adapter:
sealed class WelcomeUiState {
* Login state wrapper
* @property value Login UI state
data class Login(val value: LoginUiState) : WelcomeUiState()
* Register state wrapper
* @property value Register UI state
data class Register(val value: RegisterUiState) : WelcomeUiState()
Now let's build feature and host composables to take advantage of our adapters.
Feature master-view:
fun LoginScreen(state: LoginUiState, onGesture: (LoginGesture) -> Unit) {
// Login screen rendering...
fun RegistrationScreen(state: RegisterUiState, onGesture: (RegisterGesture) -> Unit) {
// Registration screen rendering...
Application master-view:
fun WelcomeScreen(onTerminate: @Composable () -> Unit) {
val model = hiltViewModel<WelcomeViewModel>()
val state = model.state.collectAsState(WelcomeUiState.Loading)
BackHandler(onBack = { model.process(Back) })
when (val uiState = state.value) {
// Native ui-state rendering...
// Render login screens
is WelcomeUiState.Login -> LoginScreen(
state = uiState.value,
onGesture = { model.process(Login(it)) }
// Render registration screens
is WelcomeUiState.Register -> RegistrationScreen(
state = uiState.value,
onGesture = { model.process(Register(it))}
To sum-up:
- We delegate rendering of ui-states to feature composables by unwrapping proprietary states from common view-state system
- We wrap any feature gesture to our master-gesture system and pass them to our model to process.
The last thing we need to do to be able to run a feature module in our host system is to be able to run feature logical states in our application state machine. Remember we have bound both a gesture system and the ui-state system to both our state-machine and machine-state:
* Common state machine
* @param G UI gesture
* @param U UI state
interface CommonStateMachine<G: Any, U: Any> : MachineInput<G>, MachineOutput<G, U>
* Common state-machine state
* @param G UI gesture
* @param U UI state
open class CommonMachineState<G: Any, U : Any>
Seems like a problem but not really. Given that our states has a simple and clear state lifecycle we could encapsulate the feature state-machine logic in our host state with a ProxyMachineState by running a child state-machine inside the host state!
Whenever a ProxyMachineState
is started it launches it's internal instance of a state-machine
bound to the feature gesture and view system. It also bridges two incompatible gesture/view systems
by wrapping/unwrapping and adopting one system to another. Let's see the example of a login flow
to make things clear:
* Proxy definition (for readability)
private typealias LoginProxy = ProxyMachineState<
WelcomeGesture, // Host gesture system
WelcomeUiState, // Host ui-state system
LoginGesture, // Feature gesture system
LoginUiState // Feature ui-state system
class LoginFlowState(
private val context: WelcomeContext,
private val data: WelcomeDataState,
private val loginComponentBuilder: LoginComponentBuilder
) : LoginProxy(Loading), WelcomeFeatureHost {
* Should have valid email at this point
private val email = requireNotNull( {
"Email is not provided"
* Creates initial child state
override fun init(): CommonMachineState<LoginGesture, LoginUiState> {
val component =
val starter = EntryPoints.get(component,
return starter.start(email)
* Maps child UI state to parent if relevant
* @param parent Parent gesture
* @return Mapped gesture or null if not applicable
override fun mapGesture(parent: WelcomeGesture): LoginGesture? = when (parent) {
is WelcomeGesture.Login -> parent.value // Unwraps LoginGesture from host system
WelcomeGesture.Back -> LoginGesture.Back // Translates from one system to another
else -> null // Ignores irrelevant gestures
* Maps child UI state to parent
* @param child Child UI state
override fun mapUiState(child: LoginUiState): WelcomeUiState = WelcomeUiState.Login(child)
* Returns user to email entry screen
override fun backToEmailEntry() {
* Authentication complete
override fun complete() {
To create a proxy you need to implement three core methods:
- creates a starting state for a proxy state-machine. We fetch a FlowStarter interface (which is just a feature state factory segregation) to create a starting state. -
mapGesture(parent: PG)
- maps a gesture from the parent system to the child system. You may unwrap the gesture we have implemented in the previous state, adopt one system to another as with theBack
gesture or discard irrelevant gesture by returningnull
from your implementation. -
mapUiState(child: CU)
- performs a transition from a child ui-state system to the host one. We just wrap one into another as it is being consumed by feature module view as
in View implementation
For our example project we provide the WelcomeFeatureHost
interface to return back to email entry
or to advance to Complete
state as described in Common Api. The proxy implements
this interface by switching host machine to email or complete states in corresponding
and complete
In case you want several state-machines to run in parallel producing a single combined UI state or you want to persist several machines on a single screen (like a page with a bottom navigation) there is an option to do it with the MultiMachineState and ProxyMachineContainer
This state is a proxy that holds several machines at once. It is in charge for combining the UI state whenever the running machine updates and for dispatching gestures from a single parent gesture to proxied machines inside the composition. To distinguish machines and to ensure type-safety each machine in composition is identified with the MachineKey The state has three things to override:
- container: manages machines lifecycle. More on this follows.
- mapUiState: called each time your proxied machine updates UI state or explicitly when calling updateUi. Here you take a decision on changes and build a common resulting UI state. See the dedicated section below.
- mapGesture: called when state gesture is processed. Here you can map the gesture and update your proxied machine.
Now let's see how the things work a bit closer.
Container is in charge for creating and managing the lifecycle of the state machines. So far the interface has two companion functions:
allTogether: runs all machines in parallel with common lifecycle - startup and cleanup. Example - running two timers simultaneously:
some: runs machines with additional MachineLifecycle management. You could make some machines active and dormant with ActiveMachineContainer methods.
Container is initialized with a collection of MachineInit structures:
* Proxy machine initialization record
interface MachineInit<G: Any, U: Any> {
* Machine key to find a machine among the others
val key: MachineKey<G, U>
* Initial UI state for the machine
val initialUiState: U
* Creates initial child state
* [MachineLifecycle] passed to the factory determines the activity of
* the machine within the machine group. For example, for a paging screen
* you may want to stop some pending operations when active machine is not
* active anymore
val init: (MachineLifecycle) -> CommonMachineState<G, U>
The init
function is called each time the container needs to create a new machine. The MachineLifecycle
interface passed to initialization may be used by your states to determine if the machine is suspended
or active. If you use coroutines you could use asFlow
function to convert it to Flow
. See example on how to start/stop
your pending operations that are not needed when your machine is inactive: gps tracking, server messaging, etc.
For example:
private sealed class MultiGesture {
data class IntGesture(val data: Int) : MultiGesture()
data class StringGesture(val data: String) : MultiGesture()
private open class TestState : MultiMachineState<MultiGesture, String, Any, Any>() {
private data object IntKey : MachineKey<Int, Int>(null) // Int for gesture and state
private data object StringKey : MachineKey<String, String>(null) // String for gesture and state
override val container: ProxyMachineContainer<Any, Any> = AllTogetherMachineContainer(
object : MachineInit<Int, Int> {
override val key: MachineKey<Int, Int> = IntKey
override val initialUiState: Int = 0
override val init: (MachineLifecycle) -> CommonMachineState<Int, Int> = {
object : MachineInit<String, String> {
override val key: MachineKey<String, String> = StringKey
override val initialUiState: String = "X"
override val init: (MachineLifecycle) -> CommonMachineState<String, String> = {
Check example states for each case:
- Parallel - two machines running in parallel in one proxy state
- Navbar - several machines running in proxy state, one of them active at a time
The gesture/ui type systems for each machine in composition are different, so we need some kind of
type casting to be on a safe side. Binding machines with keys in MachineInit
makes sure the machine type
corresponds to the key and is used to map key to correct UI-state in mapUiState
method of MultiMachineState
. To be able to do it, take the UiStateProvider
provided to the method to get the correct ui-state type:
private sealed class MultiGesture {
data class IntGesture(val data: Int) : MultiGesture()
data class StringGesture(val data: String) : MultiGesture()
private open class TestState : MultiMachineState<MultiGesture, String>() {
private data object IntKey : MachineKey<Int, Int>(null) // Int for gesture and state
private data object StringKey : MachineKey<String, String>(null) // String for gesture and state
// ... machine init omitted
override fun mapUiState(provider: UiStateProvider<Any>, changedKey: MachineKey<*, out Any>?): String {
val i: Int = provider.getValue(IntKey) // Cast to Int
val s: String = provider.getValue(StringKey) // Cast to String
return "$i - $s" // Combined state of any kind you like
Check example states for use cases:
- Parallel - two machines running in parallel in one proxy state
- Navbar - several machines running in proxy state, one of them active at a time
As with UI-state mapping, binding machines with keys in MachineInit
makes sure the machine type
corresponds to the key and is used to map key to correct gesture processor. Whenever the proxy receives
a gesture it calls mapGesture.
Using the provided GestureProcessor
and a key you can get access to the proxied machine instance to map and process your gesture:
private sealed class MultiGesture {
data class IntGesture(val data: Int) : MultiGesture()
data class StringGesture(val data: String) : MultiGesture()
private open class TestState : MultiMachineState<MultiGesture, String>() {
private data object IntKey : MachineKey<Int, Int>(null) // Int for gesture and state
private data object StringKey : MachineKey<String, String>(null) // String for gesture and state
// ... machine init omitted
// Our parent gesture is
override fun mapGesture(parent: MultiGesture, processor: GestureProcessor<Any, Any>) = when(parent) {
is MultiGesture.IntGesture -> {
processor.process(IntKey, // Int expected
is MultiGesture.StringGesture -> {
processor.process(StringKey, // String expected
Check example states and test class for use cases:
- Parallel - two machines running in parallel in one proxy state
- Navbar - several machines running in proxy state, one of them active at a time
- MultiMachineStateTest - unit test
The interface used to pass the machine activity to proxied state machine could also be used as an view lifecycle monitor for your app. Pass UiMachineLifecycle to your model initialization to by able to suspend your machines when app is not in use. Similar to state collection methods optimized with lificycle. Check the example to get the details.
I hope someone finds the article (and the library if you like to take it as-is) helpful in building complex multi-screen applications with multi-module ability. This approach aims to give you as much freedom as possible to implement your flows. Of cause it is not a silver bullet but the flexibility in structuring your app it promotes plays well in most scenarios. You could combine all your application steps in a single state flow or build separate models and inject them to the parts of your navigation library graph. And you could also use any architecture inside your states - simple coroutines to fetch the data, complex RxJava flows or even another MVI library in more complex cases. The library was created with multi-platform approach in mind as it contains no concrete platform dependencies and coroutines extentions are optional. So you may create your view logic once and adopt it's output to your platform view components.
Although the logic for registration flow of Welcome
app is made common,
I've failed to implement registration view in androidMain
source due to some Kotlin-multiplatform
or misconfiguration. The problem is Android sources fail to import common dependencies from other
common modules. If anyone could help me fixing that issue and moving register
module to
I'll much appreciate this. Also if someone would like to try building an iOS sample
around commonregister
module - that will be awesome!