



Text tokenization and cleanup from words that look random

Derand.tokenize("hello 3y29842ysjhfs world");
// "hello <rnd> world"

Derand.clean("hello 3y29842ysjhfs world")
// "hello world

How it works?

Derand uses pre-trained character level Convolutional Neural Network that operates on character embeddings. Derand neural net has slightly over 1000 params. Derand performs very well on CPUs and with default params achieves sub-millisecond inference on strings.

The model of the network is in lightly optimized ONNX format that you can further optimize for your specific CPU.

Does it scale?

This package is being used in the logs ingestion pipeline at edge and scales to process gigabytes of data a second with a similar performance of regex.

Is it thread-safe?

Derand uses DJL and its predictors to load ONNX model and run inference. Each predictor is initialized in a ThreadLocal container.

What are dependencies?

This package depends on Deep Java Library, DJL's PyTorch and ONNX engines wrappers.

How the model looks?


What is the input to the model?

Input to the model is an array of character ids based on the character position in a pre-defined list of available chars.

What is output of the model?

Model outputs softmax probability of a word being random or non-random.

How is model trained and what is its performance?

Model is trained on about a million of examples in total, with %20 of the data in test set. On the test data model achieves

acc: 0.9951
precision: 0.9951 
recall: 0.9951

Performance optimizations

Follow DJL inference optimization guide for PyTorch and ONNX.

Usually, having ENV variable

  • JVM params

achieves the highest throughput in a multi-threaded inference environment, such as

  • Scala / Akka parallel streams
  • Java parallel streams
  • Java Executors

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This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.