
Central automated test execution framework



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The Core Automated Testing microservice is used to the perform functional system tests on any desktop or mobile browser, REST service and database endpoints.

This service is an on-ramp for entire engineering teams to contribute to the functional testing of a product offering. Also, to unify our testing teams with one automated testing solution.

Current capabilities include:

  • Browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Headless Firefox, Chrome, Headless Chrome, Edge, Headless Edge, Safari)
  • Mobile Browser (Android, iOS using Appium)
  • REST Web Services (SiteMinder Authenticated)
  • Database (Oracle, MongoDB, MS SQL, any JDBC connection)

Questions and issues

The github issue tracker is only for bug reports and feature requests. Anything else, such as questions for help in using the library, should be emailed to our team.


  1. Java 11
  2. Maven 3.x

Architecture Diagram


Maven Dependency

Maven Central



There are two classes to choose from when implementing this service. You must choose either of the following classes to extend depending on the nomenclature you would prefer in your test scripts:

  • WebTestCase - uses Selenium-like terms and expressions (Ex: webElementExists();)
  • DeclarativeTestCase - more direct description of the actions being performed (Ex: exists();)

Simply, extend the class WebTestCase OR DeclarativeTestCase as shown below:

public abstract class MyTestCase extends WebTestCase {
     * Product specific functionality should go in here

Browsers support

IE / Edge
IE / Edge
Latest Latest Latest Latest

Special Features

The Core Automation Service has many special features that have been born from years of necessity. Here are just a few.

Retry Failed Test Feature

Using TestNG's retryAnalyzer, you can retry those Flaky tests that maybe require a quick re-run. By default, if the retryAnalyzer is set your test will run 1 time. However, you can use the OPTIONAL, custom @MaxRetryCount annotation if you'd like to retry N number of times.


@Test(retryAnalyzer = Retry.class, groups = {Groups.WEB_SERVICE_TEST, Groups.REGRESSION_TEST})
public void testSolrSearch() {
    My Test Here

Zephyr Test Case Annotation & ZAPI Connectivity

The @TestCase annotation is a custom annotation for automatically updating Zephyr test case status' in Jira based on the test case ID(s) defined in individual tests. The test case ID(s) defined in the annotation must be comma or space separated and match the exact ID displayed in Jira/Zephyr. For example:

@TestCase("CIA-14677, JIRA-12245 ANT-777")
@Test(retryAnalyzer = Retry.class, groups = {Groups.WEB_SERVICE_TEST, Groups.REGRESSION_TEST})
public void testSolrSearch() {
    My Test Here

Simply, add the following items in the file in your configuration to begin updating your Zephyr test cases status':


Issue Annotation

The @Issue annotation is a customized annotation for automatically adding logging information which identify the issue or story numbers relevant to your test. Very useful for Jira integration.

@Test(retryAnalyzer = Retry.class, groups = {Groups.WEB_SERVICE_TEST, Groups.REGRESSION_TEST})
public void testSolrSearch() {
    My Test Here

Sample Log Output

2017-10-31 15:29:55.629  BookmarkTest                        testBookmark--Issue(s): STORY-1234
2017-10-31 15:29:55.630  BookmarkTest                        testBookmark--Executed on Date/Time: 2017-10-31 15:29:55.630
2017-10-31 15:29:55.630  BookmarkTest                        testBookmark--Test Passed

Performance Feature

The Core Automation Service provides highly useful performance metrics to the end user (you). Using the webAction(), httpAction(), webServiceAction() methods will return the execution response times of each activity. Only mouse-based GUI, web actions are measured for performance and will return a response time while using webAction().

For example: A timer is started before the mouse click, next there is logic that waits for the AUT to finish all ajax requests, then the timer is stopped, and finally this response time metric is returned to the calling test.

All web service activities are measured and the returned JSON response holds the response time as a field you can then interrogate. See example below.

Web UI Usage

long responseTime = webAction("//a[@id='MyAnchor']")
// Assert if the returned response time is acceptable

WebElement Appear OR Disappear

There are also two helpful methods that calculate the time (in seconds) how long it takes for a WebElement to appear OR disappear from being visible to the user. These utility methods rely on the .isDisplayed() property in Selenium for registering when an element is actually visible or not visible to the user.

int duration = durationForElementToAppear("//div[text()='Home Page']")
// Assert if the returned response time is acceptable
int duration = durationForElementToDisappear("//div[text()='Wait while Loading...']")
// Assert if the returned response time is acceptable

Web Diagnostics Usage

We also provide the ability to validate the Console & Network tab activities in your browser. These are increasingly handy if you need to monitor/test your web application at a lower level.

webDiagnosticsConsole...() - validate your browser's Console tab Activities
webDiagnosticsRequest...() - validate your browser's Network tab Activities

HTML Web Usage

Utilizes the Apache HttpClient to open and optionally authenticate a given URL headlessly. Next this operation returns the entire HTML DOM object as a String. The HTML response object is returned for the tester to then operate on accordingly.

Credentials myCredentials = new Credentials("anthony", "password");
String rawPageHtml = htmlAction(myCredentials, "");
// Perform any String-based operations on the resultig page HTML
String rawPageHtml = htmlAction(null, "");
// Perform any String-based operations on the resultig page HTML

HTTP Web Usage

Utilizes the Apache HttpClient to open and optionally authenticate a given URL headlessly. A JSON response object is returned for the tester to then operate on accordingly.

Credentials myCredentials = new Credentials("anthony", "password");
JsonPath response = (JsonPath) httpAction(myCredentials, "");
long responseTime = response.get(FrameworkConstants.HTTP_RESPONSE_TIME_KEY)
JsonPath response = (JsonPath) httpAction(null, "");
long responseTime = response.get(FrameworkConstants.HTTP_RESPONSE_TIME_KEY)

Web Service Usage

JsonPath response = (JsonPath) webServiceAction(SolrWebServiceCommand.SEARCH);
long responseTime = response.get(FrameworkConstants.HTTP_RESPONSE_TIME_KEY)
// Assert if the returned response time is acceptable

Web Service Authentication

The following security options are available to webServiceAction() users:

  • OAuth2
  • Custom Header key/value pair authentication
  • Site Minder
  • Basic (Base64 Encoded)
  • Open
OAuth2 Security

To use OAuth security simply provide the OAuth key when calling webServiceAction(). The service will decorate your request header with a Authorization header of 'Bearer YOUR_OAUTH_KEY' prior to calling the web service.

Custom Header Security

To use custom header security simply provide a hydrated HeaderKeysMap object contains a HashMap of unique Header Key/Value pairs that will be added to the requests when calling webServiceAction(). The service will decorate your request headers with all key/value pairs prior to calling the web service.

Site Minder Security

To use Site Minder security simply provide the Site Minder key when calling webServiceAction(). The service will decorate your request header with a 'Cookie' header of 'SMSESSION= YOUR_SM_SESSION_KEY_KEY' prior to calling the web service.

Basic Security

To use basic security simply provide a decorated Credentials object when calling webServiceAction(). The service will decorate your request with Base64 encoded credentials in the Authorization header of 'Basic YOUR_BASE64_ENCODED_CREDENTIALS' prior to calling the web service.

Utility Features

This service provides a diverse Utilities set to assist in nearly every need of a quality initiative.

  • CollectionUtils
  • DateUtils
  • DebuggingUtils
  • EmailUtils
  • ExcelUtils
  • FileUtils
  • GridUtils
  • JsonUtils
  • ObjectUtils
  • PropertiesUtils
  • RandomStringUtils
  • StringUtils
  • TableUtils
  • WebElementUtils

Video Playback Feature

This service records the execution of an automated test and creates a video that users can then playback to watch the automated test.
This service is capable of recording all concurrent tests which are executed simultaneously. The resulting video files are stored in directories matching each test name in directory target/test-classes/screenshots. Simply, enable the following setting in the file in your configuration to begin recording test execution(s):

Log Export Feature



This utility interrogates all your test classes and translates your Gherkin logging into a manual test case document that you can share with the rest of your team(s). The utility also converts any variables you might have integrated into your logging into the 'readable' variable values.

Mandatory Arguments:

"[0] = Source Test Directory (ex:
"[1] = Manual Test Report Name (ex: Manual_Test_Report.txt)

Optional Arguments: Be sure to provide the optional arguments as seen below if you'd like to replace the 'readable' variable value defined in potentially an interface such as: String USER_NAME = "Anthony";

"[2] = OPTIONAL - Class that contain Constant 'Name=Value' pairs
"[3] = OPTIONAL - Class that contain Constant 'Name=Value' pairs
"[4] = ect...

Maven Configuration

Simply add this to a profile or goal in your POM.xml to leverage in your build process. The Maven command is:

mvn clean install -PoutputManualTestCaseReport

Required arguments:

  1. Complete classpath to where your test classes reside
  2. Complete classpath to where your classes that contain Constant 'Name=Value' pairs reside
  3. Report file name
  4. OPTIONAL - Classes that contain Constant 'Name=Value' pairs

Sample Manual Test Export Output

Depending on your configuration the default Manual_Test_Cases.txt file output will resemble the following:

  Feature: Smoke Test
  Scenario: Basic Functionality
    Given I am logged in page=home and authenticated user=TestConstants.USER_NAME
    When I view the Landing page without doing a search for env=Data.ENVIRONMENT
    Then Basic components are present in body of message=MY_MESSAGE
    And I can click the BACK button
    But I go back to the Home page
    Or I am blocked by a popup
    If I can click the BACK button
    Not Able to go forward
    Finally I am able to complete the transaction

1 Tests Processed
Packages Processed:

Adjustable Sauce Labs Execution Settings

The following settings can be modified at any stage of the automation execution process to run tests on the desired system. This is a necessary feature to enable users to run their tests in Sauce Labs on different browser and operating system configurations.

Simply define the following at runtime via -D system variables:

User Defined Command Options Default Example
-Dbrowser chrome, headless_ch, firefox, headless_ff, ie, safari, edge, headless_edge Chrome -Dbrowser=ff
-Dversion any available latest -Dversion=38.0
-Dbrowser.resolution 800x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, all mobile resolutions in Chrome 1024x768 -Dbrowser.resolution=360x640
-DplatformName macOS, osx, linux, windows, windows 10, windows 8, windows 8.1, windows 7, windows xp, xp Windows -Dplatform=xp Los Angeles, Honolulu, New_York Los Angeles Angeles

IMPORTANT: Defining any of the following variables will result in your test being executed using default Sauce Labs settings:

User Defined Command Conversion
-DplatformName=macOS 11.00 -Dplatform=OS X 11.0
-DplatformName=osx -Dplatform=OS X 10.11
-Dbrowser=ch -DplatformName=xp -Dbrowser=ch -DplatformName=linux

Default Runtime Settings - Sauce Labs

If you choose not to override ANY of the settings above the following runtime settings are used by default in Sauce Labs:

  • Linux
  • Chrome (latest version)

Experitest Execution

To utilize Experitest as your test execution platform the following configurations must be set:

  1. must contain
  1. Your Experitest grid url must be defined in
  1. Optional: Local tunnel configuration

Adjustable BrowserStack Execution Settings

The following settings can be modified at any stage of the automation execution process to run tests in the desired testing environment. Full list of options can be found in the Capabilities builder.

Simply define the following at runtime via -D system variables. Use double quotes around properties that contain spaces.

User Defined Command Options Default Mandatory Example
-Dos Windows, OS X Windows No -Dos="OS X"
-Dos Windows, OS X Windows No -Dos="OS X"
-Dos_version 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP, Mojave, Lion, etc... latest Windows No -Dos_version=xp
-Dbrowser Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Edge Chrome No -Dbrowser=Firefox
-Dbrowser_version 72.0, 64.0, etc... latest version No -Dbrowser_version=71.0
-Dresolution 1024x768, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1600x1200, 1920x1080 1024x768 No -Dresolution=1920x1080
-Dproject Specify a name for a logical group of builds BLANK No -Dproject="RC Testing"
-Dbuild Specify a name for a logical group of tests BLANK No -Dbuild="API Tests"
-Dname Specify an identifier for the test run BLANK No -Dname="Smoke Tests"
-Dbrowserstack.local Test localhost / internal servers in your network false No -Dbrowserstack.local=false
-Dbrowserstack.timezone Configure tests to run on a custom time zone UTC No -Dbrowserstack.timezone=PCT
-DcommandTimeout Sauce Labs sets command timeout in seconds 300 No -DcommandTimeout=600
-DidleTimeout Sauce Labs sets idle test timeout in seconds. Prevent tests from running too long 90 No -DidleTimeout=600
-DrecordVideo Sauce Labs use this to disable video recording false No -DrecordVideo=false
-DrecordScreenshots Sauce Labs use this to disable screen shot recording false No -DrecordScreenshots=false

BrowserStack Jenkins Integration

In order to execute tests from a Jenkins system to the BrowserStack service you normally should create a unique tunnel to pass all tests through. This proves to be necessary especially when your AUT is behind a VPN.

To create a unique tunnel for your tests to execute you simply add the following line of code to your automation framework before you initiate the web browser. This must happen before the WebDriver's capabilities are set by the core-microservice. Typically, you would this logic to a setup method with the TestNG @BeforeClass(alwaysRun = true) annotation.

private static String localTunnelIdentifierInstance;

if (null == localTunnelIdentifierInstance) {
    localTunnelIdentifierInstance = combine("%sMyUniqueTunnel", RandomStringUtils.randomNumeric(5));
System.setProperty(FrameworkConstants.BROWSER_STACK_LOCAL_IDENTIFIER_PROPERTY, localTunnelIdentifierInstance);

Properties Files Settings

There are three properties files used to drive all automated tests. The following .properties files are required to be defined in your application's config directory.

Properties used for connections to the web application and web services under test.




Property Default Value Description
web.url website url to test web service url if available web service credentials web service credentials
enable.hard.assert false boolean: fail on first failure
default.wait.for.sleep.millis 1000 driver wait for element retry (ms)
element.wait.timeout.seconds 180 driver timeout waiting for element (sec)
browser.wait.timeout.seconds 10 browser timeout wait (sec)
enable.ajax.requests.waiting true boolean: enable active ajax req's waiting
enable.siteMinder false boolean: enable Site Minder auth Site Minder auth URL
saucelabs.username Sauce Labs username
saucelabs.accesskey Sauce Labs key
browserstack.username BrowserStack username
browserstack.accesskey BrowserStack key
browserstack.local false Connect to BrowserStack locally? false record test execution video
jira.zapi.enabled false Jira Zapi Enabled
jira.zapi.url Jira Zapi url
jira.zapi.username Jira Zapi api username
jira.zapi.password Jira Zapi api password Jira Zapi cycle name

Properties used for connections to the database under test.



Properties used for connections to any grid (Sauce Labs, Selenium GRID, ect...)




Property Default Value Description
grid.enabled true boolean: GRID enabled mode
grid.hub.url url to runtime GRID


The Core Automation Service supports the following abilities to run your tests. The file which must be part of your project defines the following self-explanatory properties:

grid.hub.url=http://<YOUR PRIVATE GRID IP ADDRESS>:4444/wd/hub




Simply leveraging the TestNG plugin in your IDE of choice you are able to run any test from IntelliJ or Eclipse

Shared GRID

If you have a shared machine with a potentially static IP address follow the same instructions as the previous section to setup a shared GRID. Be sure to define the grid.hub.url in your file.

Headless Automation Execution

The following headless browsers are supported. It is recommended that you use the Video Feature for debugging tests.

Headless Chrome

The Chrome Headless browser is supported with a default browser resolution of 1920,1080.

Important: the headless browser(s) are executed on the system that is executing Maven or the IDE. Distributed execution in Selenium GRIDs is also supported for the headless Chrome browser.

The following system environment variables must be set to run the Headless Chrome browser in a runtime environment

-Dbrowser=headless_ch OR headless_ff OR headless_edge

Sauce Labs

If you have a Sauce Labs account, define the grid.hub.url in your file according to the settings defined in the setup instructions provided by Sauce Labs.

Be sure to download and run the Sauce Connect plugin in your local environment to execute your tests in Sauce Labs. (see next section for details)

Add the following section to your settings.xml in order to connect your local Maven profile to Sauce Labs:


Sauce Connect Plugin from your Local Test Environment

To execute your tests from your local environment to Sauce Labs you will need to configure via:

  1. Follow instructions for Sauce Connect proxy
  2. Get the latest Sauce Connect Proxy
  3. Install to a location on your computer without spaces. Example: \dev\tools\sc-4.3.11-win32
  4. Open a command prompt and change directory to the dir in step 3
  5. After extracting, go to the install directory and run the command displayed at the bottom of Sauce Connect proxy
  6. Wait for tunnel to start
  7. Verify your file for the AUT is set to grid.enabled=true
  8. Open the file for the AUT and set the saucelabs.username=USER_FROM_STEP_1
  9. Open the file for the AUT and set the saucelabs.accesskey=ACCESS_KEY_FROM_STEP_1
  10. mvn clean install

IMPORTANT: The 'saucelabs.username' value must match the Jenkins Sauce Connect account used in the Jenkins pipeline.

External Dependencies

Logging Microservice

Gherkin-Style logger used for automated testing of TestNG-based automation solutions.

Logging Service

Assertion Microservice

A 100% Hamcrest and TestNG-based automated testing Assertion service.

Assertion Service

Tips and Tricks

  • You must close your local Sauce Labs tunnel if you are running completely locally and don't want to report Sauce Labs results for tests running on your local machine (ex: grid.enabled=false)