
ENERKOs Report Engine is an Apache-POI based reporting engine that runs inside an Oracle Database. It has two main purposes: First, it creates reports as Excel worksheets from either SQL-Statements or pipelined table functions. Second, it evaluates existing Excel worksheets or new reports on the fly and presents them as a pipelined function that can be queried like any physical table.



ENERKOs Report Engine


ENERKOs Report Engine is a Apache POI-HSSF based reporting engine that runs inside the JVM of an Oracle Datebase and creates Excel reports through an PL/SQL interface.

It is designed to provide an unified reporting engine for

  • Oracle Forms 6i based applications
  • Java SE clients as well as
  • Webapplications with different architectures.

It fits into 2-tier applications as well as into 3-tier applications as reports are stored at a central point (the database) as

  • PL/SQL functions
  • Queries or
  • views.

It consists of 2 parts:

  • The implementation in Java
  • An PL/SQL api to access the Java Stored Procedures

ENERKOs Report Engine can also run client side but this is not recommended as installation base will be duplicated.

Reports can be created from scratch or can be based on other Excel sheets named templates. Cell formating, formulas, macros and diagrams will be preserved. When opened in Excel, those diagrams and macros will be updated using the actual values.

ENERKOs Report Engine is used to create reports with over 50,000 cells, containing diagrams and more.


At least an Oracle Database 11g Release standard edition. This library isn't portable to other databases and completely Oracle specific. It should probably work in Standard Edition (One), but not in an Express Edition due the lack of an internal JVM.


The following describes the installation inside a database with the fictive user 'hre'.

The report engine should be installed into every scheme where it will be used.

The user needs the following privileges


Quotas must be adapted or unlimited tablespace be granted:


To actually load the java source files the following permission is needed as well:

call dbms_java.grant_permission('HRE', '', 'loadLibraryInClass.*', null);

I use loadjava.bat to load the java source files which is part of the Oracle Client package (Oracle InstantClient won't be enough). Alternatively dbms_java.loadjava can be used.

First, load the required dependencies:

loadjava.bat -user hre/hre@database -resolve lib/commons-codec-1.5.jar
loadjava.bat -user hre/hre@database -resolve lib/poi-3.9.jar

then load ENERKOs Report Engine:

loadjava.bat -user hre/hre@database -resolve target/enerko-reports2-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

The same using dbms_java (Please note that the file must exists on path reachable by the database process)

set serveroutput on
CALL dbms_java.set_output(3000);
CALL dbms_java.loadjava('-resolve /var/tmp/enerko_reports/enerko-reports2-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar');

Then you need some SQL packages:

# A type that mimics a varg list
sqlplus hre/hre@database < src/main/sql/t_vargs.sql

# The type that represents a cell definition
sqlplus hre/hre@database < src/main/sql/t_er_comment_definition.sql 
sqlplus hre/hre@database < src/main/sql/t_er_cell_definition.sql 
# and the list thereof
sqlplus hre/hre@database < src/main/sql/table_of_er_cell_definitions.sql 

# And certainly the PL/SQL api:
sqlplus hre/hre@database < src/main/sql/pck_enerko_reports2.pks.sql
sqlplus hre/hre@database < src/main/sql/pck_enerko_reports2.pkb.sql


The BLOBs created by ENERKOs Report Engine can be used in many possible ways, they can be accessed by Java based webapplications through JDBC, by Forms etc.

The following examples assume a database directory called "enerko_reports" that is writable by the ENERKOs Report Engine user. To create this directory, grant the HRE user the following privileges:


and create the directory like this:

CREATE DIRECTORY enerko_reports AS '/var/tmp/enerko_reports';

or if the directoy already exists, grant read and writes to the report user:


Read more about LOB handling DBMS_LOB. pck_enerko_reports2 contains UTL_FILE based procedures / functions to store LOBs into files and read files into LOBs.

All reports presented are part of this project, have a look at src/test/sql/pck_enerko_reports2_test.sql.

Create a report using a simple statement

Without templates

    v_report BLOB;
    -- Create the report
    v_report := pck_enerko_reports2.f_create_report_from_statement('Select ''s1'' as sheetname, 1 as cell_column, 1 as cell_row, ''c1'' as cell_name, ''string'' as cell_type, ''cv'' as cell_value from dual');

    -- Store it into a server side file
    pck_enerko_reports2.p_blob_to_file(v_report, 'enerko_reports', 'example1.xls');

With templates

The template can be any blob containing a valid Excel sheet. The examples accesses a template inside a server side directory but any blob column will do.

    v_template BLOB;
    v_report BLOB;
    v_template := pck_enerko_reports2.f_file_to_blob('enerko_reports', 'template1.xls');

    -- Create the report
    v_report := pck_enerko_reports2.f_create_report_from_statement(
        'Select ''f_fb_report_source_test'' as sheetname, 0 as cell_column, 0 as cell_row, null as cell_name, ''string'' as cell_type, ''Hello, World'' as cell_value from dual',

    -- Store it into a server side file
    pck_enerko_reports2.p_blob_to_file(v_report, 'enerko_reports', 'example2.xls');

If a template contains sheets that should be visible to the user, they can be hidden or deleted through the use of special cells that don't appear in the final report. To hide a sheet use the following cell definition:

t_er_cell_definition('__HIDE_SHEET__', 0, 0, 'string', 'hide_me') -- The sheet with the name "hide_me" will be hidden

To delete a sheet, use a cell like the following:

t_er_cell_definition('__DELETE_SHEET__', 0, 0, 'string', 'delete_me') -- The sheet with the name "delete_me" will be deleted

Sheets can also be cloned. Be aware that this doesn't work with sheets containing charts (a runtime exception will be thrown):

t_er_cell_definition('__CLONE_SHEET__"clone_me"_as_"cloned_sheet"', 0, 0, 'string', 'clone_me') -- The sheet with the name "clone_me" will be cloned as "cloned_sheet"

Create a report using pipelined functions

Without templates

Pipelined functions are a very nice and handy feature of the Oracle database. Basically those are functions that can act as table in the from clause:

Table functions are functions that produce a collection of rows (either a nested table or a varray) that can be queried like a physical database table. You use a table function like the name of a database table, in the FROM clause of a query.

From Using Pipelined and Parallel Table Functions

At ENERKO pipelined functions are the main report source. Data can be selected in a PL/SQL method using standard SQL statements and than be arranged in arbitrary ways, incrementally building a report. Thus any developer with some SQL knowledge can create complex reports without overly complex queries or Java knowledge at all.

The test resources contain some very simple pipelined function based reports.

Here is a an example to call this from PL/SQL. Notice the lack of vargs in PL/SQL and the record type of strings:

    v_report BLOB;
    -- Create the report
    v_report := pck_enerko_reports2.f_create_report(
        t_vargs('10', '21.09.1979', 'Some label')

    -- Store it into a server side file
    pck_enerko_reports2.p_blob_to_file(v_report, 'enerko_reports', 'example3.xls');

    -- Create a report without arguments
    v_report := pck_enerko_reports2.f_create_report('pck_enerko_reports2_test.f_noarg_report');
    pck_enerko_reports2.p_blob_to_file(v_report, 'enerko_reports', 'example4.xls');

With templates

Reports based on pipelined functions works also with templates:

    v_template BLOB;
    v_report BLOB;
    v_template := pck_enerko_reports2.f_file_to_blob('enerko_reports', 'template1.xls');

    -- Create the report
    v_report := pck_enerko_reports2.f_create_report(
        t_vargs('10', '21.09.1979', 'Some label')

    -- Store it into a server side file
    pck_enerko_reports2.p_blob_to_file(v_report, 'enerko_reports', 'example5.xls');

    -- Create a report without arguments
    v_report := pck_enerko_reports2.f_create_report('pck_enerko_reports2_test.f_noarg_report', v_template);
    pck_enerko_reports2.p_blob_to_file(v_report, 'enerko_reports', 'example6.xls');

Evaluate Excel files and reports

ENERKOs Report Engine can evaluate Excel files and reports on-the-fly and present them as a virtual table in a from clause:

Evaluate an Excel file

This creates an Excel workbook and pushes it back to the Reports Engine for on-the-fly evaluation. It also demonstrates how an Excel sheet can be queried through SQL. Furthermore it shows our extension NormInv to Apache HSSF. NormInv is a statistical function available in Office 2003 but not in Apache HSSF (you see the log message that the engine couldn't evaluate NormInv (B7), but only Enerko_NormInv (C7)):

SELECT substr(cell_name,1,2) as name, to_number(cell_value, '9999D999999999999999999',  'nls_numeric_characters=''.,''') as value
FROM table(
            pck_enerko_reports2.f_file_to_blob('enerko_reports', 'template2.xls')
) src 
WHERE sheetname = 'datatypes'
  AND cell_name IN ('B7', 'C7');

It's certainly possible to evaluate random access files that are available as blobs somewhere:

SELECT substr(cell_name,1,3) as name, substr(cell_value,1,10) as value
FROM table(
        pck_enerko_reports2.f_file_to_blob('enerko_reports', 'random_worksheet.xls')        
) src;

Create and evaluate reports without storing them

All examples above showing how to create and store reports as Excel files can be rewritten to evaluate them immediately:

Evaluating a statement based report:

SELECT substr(cell_name,1,3) as name, substr(cell_value,1,16) as value, substr(src.cell_comment.comment_text,1,32) as cell_comment
FROM table(
        'Select ''f_fb_report_source_test'' as sheetname, 0 as cell_column, 0 as cell_row, null as cell_name, ''string'' as cell_type, ''Hello, World'' as cell_value from dual',
        pck_enerko_reports2.f_file_to_blob('enerko_reports', 'template1.xls') -- <- can also be null
) src;

and a function based report

SELECT substr(sheetname,1,20) as sheet, substr(cell_name,1,3) as name, substr(cell_value,1,16) as value
FROM table(
            pck_enerko_reports2.f_file_to_blob('enerko_reports', 'template1.xls'),
            t_vargs('10', '21.09.1979', 'Some label')
) src;

SELECT substr(sheetname,1,20) as sheet, substr(cell_name,1,3) as name, substr(cell_value,1,16) as value
FROM table(
            pck_enerko_reports2.f_file_to_blob('enerko_reports', 'template2.xls'),
) src;


The main structure for creating reports is the cell definition t_er_cell_definition:

SQL> desc t_er_cell_definition
  Name                                      Null?    Typ
  ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
  SHEETNAME                                          VARCHAR2(512)
  CELL_COLUMN                                        NUMBER(38)
  CELL_ROW                                           NUMBER(38)
  CELL_NAME                                          VARCHAR2(64)
  CELL_TYPE                                          VARCHAR2(512)
  CELL_VALUE                                         VARCHAR2(32767)
  CELL_COMMENT                                       T_ER_COMMENT_DEFINITION
Attribute Meaning
SHEETNAME Name of the worksheet
CELL_COLUMN 0-based column index
CELL_ROW 0-based row index
CELL_NAME Cell reference, only used for output, can be null
CELL_TYPE Valid datatype (see "Supported datatypes for cell definitions")
CELL_VALUE String representation of the concrete cell
CELL_COMMENT An optional comment that is added to the specified cell

Reports can be created either using SQL statements returning the columns mentioned here or pipelined functions returning this type in the pipe. Thus, all cells can be filled in arbitrary order.

Cells can contain Excel comments which are defined through t_er_comment_definition:

 Name                      Null?    Typ
 ----------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------
 COMMENT_TEXT                       VARCHAR2(32767)
 COMMENT_AUTHOR                     VARCHAR2(32767)
 COMMENT_COLUMN                     NUMBER(38)
 COMMENT_ROW                        NUMBER(38)
 COMMENT_WIDTH                      NUMBER(38)
 COMMENT_HEIGHT                     NUMBER(38)
 COMMENT_VISIBLE                    VARCHAR2(8)
Attribute Meaning
COMMENT_TEXT The text of the comment
COMMENT_AUTHOR The author of the comment (defaults to the database user)
COMMENT_COLUMN 1-based column, defaults to the column of the cell + 1
COMMENT_ROW 1-based row, defaults to the row of the cell
COMMENT_WIDTH Width of the comment, default 1
COMMENT_HEIGHT Height of the comment, default 1
COMMENT_VISIBLE Flag, if the comment is visible, default 'false'

You can manually assign a comment to an existing t_er_cell_definition object or use one of the provided constructors, either using a plain string or a complete t_er_comment_definition object:

FUNCTION f_fb_report_source_test2 RETURN table_of_er_cell_definitions pipelined IS
    pipe row(t_er_cell_definition(
        's1', 1, 1, null, 'string', 'beliebiger string wert', 'mit einem beliebigen Kommentar'
    pipe row(t_er_cell_definition(
        's1', 1, 2, null, 'string', 'beliebiger string wert', 
            'test', p_column => 23, p_row => 42, p_width => 3, p_height => 4, p_visible => 'true'
END f_fb_report_source_test2;

You'll find more examples in the test package pck_enerko_reports2_test.

Options and formatting

The pck_enerko_reports2_test.f_all_features shows pretty much all features:

    v_template BLOB;
    v_report BLOB;
    v_template := pck_enerko_reports2.f_file_to_blob('enerko_reports', 'template2.xls');
    v_report := pck_enerko_reports2.f_create_report('pck_enerko_reports2_test.f_all_features', v_template);

    pck_enerko_reports2.p_blob_to_file(v_report, 'enerko_reports', 'example7.xls');

The following features are available and the following formatting is possible:

Supported datatypes for function arguments

name (as in PL/SQL type name) format
varchar2 free format
number with nls_numeric_characters set to '.,'
timestamp DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI'

The arguments are passed as varchar2s to the report engine so the format must be valid. Otherwise the report generation will fail with a ParseException.

Supported datatypes for cell definitions

Name format
string free format
number with nls_numeric_characters set to '.,'
datetime DD.MM.YYYY HH24:MI'
formula i.e. SUM(B23:B42)

Numeric values can add a format specification according to "Including decimal places and significant digits" by separating it with a double '@@' from the value:


Formulas are noted without the leading '=', cell reference is the known excel notation A1 … Zn.

Format templates / reference cells

ENERKOs Report Engine supports templates not only for formatting but also as a reference. The user can create an (invisible) sheet with formatting templates for dates, numbers etc.

Those references can be addressed through the data type with the following form:

datetime; "reference_sheet" B1
date; "reference_sheet" B2
number; "reference_sheet" A1

Or abstract:

datatype; "Name of the worksheet" CELLREFERENCE

Any non empty, formatted cell at the reference will be used to format the current cell.

This can be used for user defined date formats for example.