
HttpMaid is a lightweight non-intrusive web framework, which allows you to easily use your services to handle HTTP requests. It delegates the processing of a request based on it's path to one of your services, releasing you from the headache of configuring numerous beans and spoiling your code with annotations.



Maven Central CII Best Practices


HttpMaid is an http framework that allows you to "just publish my business logic as HTTP endpoint". It's non-invasive, flexible and ultra-extendable.

Let's see some low-level example:

final HttpMaid httpMaid = HttpMaid.anHttpMaid()
        .get("/api/hello", new HttpHandler() {
            public void handle(final HttpRequest request, final HttpResponse httpResponse) {
                httpResponse.setBody("Hello World!");

Treat the HttpMaid instance as a description of your endpoints: we have here a request handler, for the path api/hello, with the request method GET, which handles the request by setting the response to the String Hello World! and the status to 200. Pretty descriptive, right?

This way of saying hello gives you full control over the HTTP protocol. Once your UseCase is more complicated than just saying hello, you want to focus on implementing it instead of dealing with protocol details.

Let's say we have a UseCase of sending an email:

public class SendEmail {
    private final EmailService emailService;

    //    @Inject if you so wish
    public SendEmail(final EmailService emailService) {
        this.emailService = emailService;

    public Receipt sendEmail(final Email email) {
        final String trackingId = emailService.send(email.sender, email.receiver, email.subject, email.body);
        final String timestamp = String.valueOf(;

        return new Receipt(trackingId, timestamp);

Now we can expose this UseCase using HttpMaid:

final HttpMaid useCaseDrivenHttpMaid = HttpMaid.anHttpMaid()
        .post("/api/sendEmail", SendEmail.class)

Want to extract the sender from the authorization, the receiver and subject from path and the email contents from the request body?

final HttpMaid useCaseDrivenHttpMaid = HttpMaid.anHttpMaid()
        .post("/api/sendEmail/<receiver>/<subject>", SendEmail.class)
        .configured(toAuthenticateRequestsUsing(request -> {
            final Optional<String> jwtToken = request.headers().getHeader("Authorization");
            final Optional<String> userEmail = TOKEN_SERVICE.decrypt(jwtToken);
            return userEmail; 
        .configured(toEnrichTheIntermediateMapUsing((map, request) -> {
            final Optional<String> userEmail = request.authenticationInformationAs(String.class);
            userEmail.ifPresent(email -> {
                map.put("sender", email);

Want to use the very same UseCase to handle SendEmail events coming from an SNS topic? Refer to the "Event Driven HttpMaid" (TODO) part of the README to see what modifications should be done to the httpMaid object to achieve that.

What is HttpMaid doing for you?

A good architecture is less about the decisions you make and more about the decisions you defer making.

HttpMaid allows you to write your UseCases decoupled from the underlying hazards of an Http/Rest infrastructure.

Debating questions like:

  • "Should it be a PUT or a POST?"
  • "Is the Username coming from the request body, the JWT token or a plain text header value?"
  • "Are we talking JSON, YAML, XML or a custom (binary?) ContentType?"

is tiresome because you can't possibly know the answer until you've faced the customer. Furthermore, he might just change his mind.

And that's what HttMaid is doing for you.

Other Features

Besides providing you with the described interface to build http request handlers, expose UseCases or handle events, HttpMaid offers following features:

  • Several endpoint integrations such as - AWS Lambda - Jetty - Spark - Servlet
  • Integration with (de)serialization framework MapMaid
  • Websockets
  • Predefined CORS configurations
  • Predefined MultiPart support

Why another HTTP framework?

The goal of refactoring is to actively counteract the natural increase in the degree of chaos

We did not find any framework that would allow us to develop a web application and claim in good conscience that its business logic does not depend on the underlying HTTP server, persistence layer or (de)serialization mechanism (also referred to as "infrastructure code" in DDD).

Getting started

Add the dependency:


Configure HttpMaid with an HttpHandler and expose as a PureJavaEndpoint

public class Application {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final HttpMaid httpMaid = HttpMaid.anHttpMaid()
                .get("/api/hello", new HttpHandler() {
                    public void handle(final HttpRequest request, final HttpResponse httpResponse) {
                        httpResponse.setBody("Hello World!");


Run the example and try

    curl http://localhost:1337/api/hello

Changing the endpoint

Since HttpMaid separates the how is from the what, you can focus on defining what your http endpoints should do and decide on how to serve them best separately, based on the requirements of your infrastructure.

To expose the same httpMaid instance using a Jetty endpoint, include the following dependency:


And replace the PureJavaEndpoint line with:


Restart the application and enjoy the benefits of Jetty.


  1. Introduction
  2. Quick start
  3. Routing
  4. Handling requests
  5. Cookies
  6. Serving files
  7. Configuring and logging
  8. Exceptions
  9. Authentication and authorization
  10. Multipart uploads
  11. Marshalling
    1. Marshalling forms
    2. Marshalling a p is
  12. Use cases
    1. Basics
    2. Object mapping
    3. Validation
    4. Advanced topics
  13. C o r s
  14. Endpoints
  15. Client
  16. Dependency management
  17. Faq