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Provides a @DataMongoTest for the automatic configuration of tests with Spring Boot 1.4+.


Spring Boot 1.4 brought a new feature called Auto-configured tests.

Thoses "slices" can be used when starting a full application auto-configuration is overkill for a specific tests.

The reference documentation has chapter on how to use them.

Stéphane Nicoll created a nice post on how to create your own slice, called Custom test slice with Spring Boot 1.4.

@DataMongoTest uses his work to provide a custom test slice that works with pretty much the same way for Spring Data MongoDB as @DataJpaTest does for Spring Data JPA.

How to use it



to your dependencies, create and write your MongoDB repositories in your Spring Boot Application as you did before.

Annotate your test with @DataMongoTest and benefit from a MongoTemplate and all your repositories:

public class DataMongoSampleTests {

    private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;

    private TweetRepository tweetRepository;

    public void testStuff() {
        TweetDocument tweet = new TweetDocument();
        tweet.setText("Look, new @DataMongoTest!");

        tweet =;
        assertThat(tweet.getId(), notNullValue());


The automatic configuration takes your into account. Make sure you configure another database connection for your test profile through = testdatabase

Or you might consider adding


to your test dependencies. This activates Spring Boot support for an embedded MongoDB process and you end up with an embedded Mongo connection like you do when using @DataJpaTest where you get an H2 embedded database.