
Maven plugin for Minecraft plugin development. Helps to develop by creating, running and debugging Minecraft server.

maven, maven-plugin, minecraft-plugin, minecraft-server


Lehtto's maven servermc plugin

License: Apache 2.0 GitHub release (latest SemVer including pre-releases) Build & Sonar analysis

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This project is a maven plugin which helps you during Minecraft server plugin development. It can create and start a minecraft server with your plugin.

Table of content

How to use it ?

You can use this plugin with maven commands or by adding it to your project.


The plugin proposes 4 maven goals, they are used as follows:

  • To install the server: mvn fr.lehtto.maven.plugins:servermc-maven-plugin:VERSION:install
  • To copy your plugin into sever files: mvn fr.lehtto.maven.plugins:servermc-maven-plugin:VERSION:copy-plugins
  • To start the server: mvn fr.lehtto.maven.plugins:servermc-maven-plugin:VERSION:start
  • To clean the server directory (delete it): mvn fr.lehtto.maven.plugins:servermc-maven-plugin:VERSION:clean

It is possible to shorten the command by adding fr.lehtto.maven.plugins to your plugin groups configuration. In the maven settings.xml:


Now the command is mvn servermc:GOAL (maven will use the latest available version automatically)


You can configure your project to use this plugin by updating the pom.xml


Supported minecraft servers

Currently, the plugin supports only PaperMC server.


Install mvn servermc:install

This goal's purpose is to prepare the server to be run. Following actions are performed sequentially:

  • Checks the EULA agreement
  • Creates server directory, if it doesn't exist
  • Retrieves the server JAR, if it doesn't exist (or if it has to be overridden), and check its checksum
  • Creates with specified properties, if it doesn't exist (or if it has to be overridden)


The goal behavior can be fine-tune with following configurations:

parameter type optional default value description
serverDirectory directory path yes target/server The directory where the server is installed and ran
mcVersion string no Version of Minecraft
eula boolean no Agreement of Minecraft EULA
baseUrl URL yes The base URL of API used to fetch server JAR
overrideJar boolean yes true Download and replace the server JAR file even if it exists
overrideProperties boolean yes true Clear the and override it with the provided properties
buildNumber int yes computed The server JAR's build number to use
properties map<string, string> yes The map of properties used to initialize the

Copy plugins mvn servermc:copy-plugins

This goal's purpose is to copy the minecraft plugin you are working on in the server plugins folder. It can also copy additional plugins.


The goal behavior can be fine-tune with following configurations:

parameter type optional default value description
serverDirectory directory path yes target/server The directory where the server is installed and ran
skipAdditionalPlugins boolean yes false Should the additional plugins copy skipped
additionalPlugins list yes The list of additional plugins to copy

Additional plugins

To specify additional plugins to copy you can:

  • Use a file path (not recommended):
      <name>PLUGIN NAME</name>
  • Use a URL to download from:
      <name>PLUGIN NAME</name>
      <sha256>SHA256 CHECKSUM (OPTIONAL)</sha256>
      <md5>MD5 CHECKSUM (OPTIONAL)</md5>
  • Specify a maven dependency artifact to copy:
      <name>PLUGIN NAME</name>
      <groupId>DEPENDENCY GROUP ID</groupId>
      <artifactId>DEPENDENCY ARTIFACT ID</artifactId>

Start mvn servermc:start

This goal's purpose is to start the minecraft server


The goal behavior can be fine-tuned with following configurations:

parameter type optional default value description
debugPort int yes 5005 The port to use for remote debugger
remoteDebug boolean yes false Prepare the sever to attach a remote debug
serverDirectory directory path yes target/server The directory where the server is installed and ran
minimumAllocationPoolSize int yes 1 Minimum size (in Go) of the memory allocation pool
maximumAllocationPoolSize int yes 2 Maximum size (in Go) of the memory allocation pool

Clean mvn servermc:clean

This goal's purpose is to clean the server folder,


The goal behavior can be fine-tuned with following configurations:

parameter type optional default value description
serverDirectory directory path yes target/server The directory where the server is installed and ran
ignoreWorlds boolean yes false whether the world folders should be kept

Upcoming features

  • Adds support for other Minecraft server (e.g. spigot)
  • Adds configurations to clean goal to filter what is deleted
  • Allows debugging of developed plugin