
Java implementation of Bitcoin components



BSV Component Library for Java (JCL)


JCL is a Suite of libraries that provides a variety of functionality for use in Blockchain projects. Some Modules will be commonly used by any project, whereas others might only be included if required.

JCL is currently composed of the following modules:

JCL-Net: Provides Connections and Streaming capabilities, allowing an App to connect to the blockchain and "listen" to Events coming from it, and also "send/broadcast" messages, and other operations.

JCL-Store: Operations to save or retrieve information from a Repository. The information to store might be different depending on the different Store-subModule used, and the Repository might be different depending on the implementation provided (there are multiple implementations for this Module).

All the libraries within JCL make up a hierarchy dependency tree.

JCL has a dependency on the BitcoinJ-base, where the Domain Classes for representing basic entities (Blocks, Transactions, Inputs, outputs, etc) are defined, along with much more functionality.

How to import JCL

Since JCL is made up of different modules, "importing JCL" actually means "importing a JCL Module". The specific module to import will depends on your needs.

NOTE JCL-Tools is an internal Library for use by JCL-Modules, not by the user, but it might be needed to be expecifically imported in the project along the rest of modules (some gradle engines might have some trouble getting transitive dependencies from private Maven repositories, so in those cases we might need to declare this dependency explicitely). The same can also be applied to the bitcoinJ-SV dependency, which must be explicitely declared as a dependency.

Import JCL in a Gradle project

Edit your build.gradle file and include the definition of the Repository:

repositories {
    maven {
        url "http://ip:port/repository/maven-releases/"
        credentials {
            username = "[library repo] USER"
            password = "[library repo] PASSWORD"

Bear in mind that the credentials are shown here in the build.gradle file only for academic purposes. In a real project those should be stored in a a separate file ( and not shared.

then, add the dependency (replace the module with the one you actually need):

dependencies {
implementation 'io.bitcoinsv.bitcoinjsv:base:1.0.0'
implementation 'io.bitcoinsv.jcl:jcl-tools:1.0.0'

Import JCL in a Maven project

You need to define a new Repository in your pom.xml file:

            The username and password are retrieved by looking for the Repository
            Id in the $HOME/.m2/settings.xml file.
            <!-- id Must Match the Unique Identifier in settings.xml -->
            <id>Your Lib-Repository</id>

then, add the dependency:


And you must store the credentials in the settings.xml file:

      <username><[library repo] USER></username>
      <password><[library repo] PASSWORD></password>

NOTE That the value of the id field must match the value of the id field in the pom.xml file.