The Gravitee.IO Parent POM provides common settings for all Gravitee components.

access-management, identity-management, oauth2, openid-connect, scim


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Access Management

Secure your APIs with a robust, feature-rich Identity solution.

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Table of contents

๐Ÿ” Overview AM aims to be a bridge between applications and identity providers to authenticate, authorize and getting information about user accounts.

๐Ÿš€ Features

  • Access security: Control and secure enterprise data with industry standard protocols such as OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 and JWT.
  • Single sign-on (SSO): Centralized and strong authentication for your customers using out-of-the-box or custom identity providers.
  • Multi-factor authentication (MFA): Enforce security and convenience by adding extra authentication factors.
  • Passwordless: Secure your apps and APIs with industry best-practice security using biometrics, tokens and further passwordless auth mechanisms.
  • Identity providers marketplace: Connect your application with your user resources such as LDAP, Database, Webservices, Azure AD, Social, ... .
  • Analytics dashboard: The out-of-the-box dashboards give you a 360-degree view of your applications and users. You can also use all metrics with external tools like Grafana or Kibana.
  • Plugins system: Specialize platform behavior to exactly fit your needs.

๐Ÿ”‘ Protocols

OpenID Connect Certification Logo Access Management is OpenID Connect certified for the following profiles:
  • OpenID Provider: Basic OP, Implicit OP, Hybrid OP, Config OP, Dynamic OP
  • FAPI OpenID Provider: all profiles AM also supports the following protocols to help our customers to connect with 3rd party tools:

  • SAML 2.0: Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0
  • SCIM 2.0: System for Cross-domain Identity Management 2.0
  • CAS protocol: Central Authentication Service
  • Kerberos: Computer-network authentication protocol
  • JWT: JSON Web Tokens

๐Ÿ“š Documentation

You can find Access Management's documentation on the dedicated website.

๐Ÿ‘ฅ Community

Got questions, suggestions or feedback? Why not join us on the Community Forum.

๐Ÿ‘ Contributing

We welcome contributions! Please read the dedicated CONTRIBUTING guide for more info.

๐Ÿ“ License API Management is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.