
Satisfy is test automation framework.



Satisfy Framework

Satisfy is test automation framework.


  • Easy to use for non-developers
  • Interact with any Web UI
  • Auto generated reports
  • Parallel test execution
  • Extendable throw SPI
  • Ready to use out of the box
  • Built on JBehave and Thucydides
  • Compatible with all modern browsers


This will build the framework, publish it to a local artifactory repository, then resolve the dependencies of the project.



  1. Download the source code from git: git clone
  2. Open a command line in the cloned directory: cd ./satisfy
  3. Export MAVEN_OPTS variable: export MAVEN_OPTS=-XX:MaxPermSize=128m (set MAVEN_OPTS=-XX:MaxPermSize=128m for windows)
  4. Now run the maven to build the atom: mvn clean install -P build-with-code-quality-check,build-with-functional-check
    • The library has now been built, published to a local artifactory repository, the app has had its dependencies resolved.

Maven Profiles:

  • build-with-code-coverage-check - provide additional execution of the maven plugins that corresponding for code coverage check (e.g. jacoco-maven-plugin)
  • build-with-code-quality-check - provide additional execution of the maven plugins that corresponding for code quality check (e.g. maven-checkstyle-plugin, maven-pmd-plugin, findbugs-maven-plugin)
  • build-with-functional-check - provide additional execution of the maven plugins that corresponding for functional check (e.g. maven-failsafe-plugin, maven-cargo2-plugin)

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.