Maven plugin for deploying Mule applications to CloudHub.



NOTE: this project is no longer maintained, for the new Maven Plugin go to


Maven plugin for deploying Mule applications to CloudHub.

Deploy an application at the end of the build lifecycle


Deploying the project generated artifact

For this to work your project must generate a valid Mule application. You can do this using `mule-artifact-archiver as explained here


Running integration tests in CloudHub

This configuration will deploy your application to CloudHub, run your integration tests and the undeploy the application.


In this case you will configure the plugin to deploy and to undeploy, and additionally configure maven-failsafe-plugin to run your integration tests (*


You can specify a timeout for the plugin using the <timeout> tag inside ` or using cloudhub.timeout system property. The plugin waits for the desired timeout or the default one for the operation to complete (deploy or undeploy). If the operation doesn't complete within that time the plugin execution fails. There is an exception to this, when timeout is zero, the plugin triggers the operation and inmediately returns the the control. In this last scenario you don't get an error if the deployment fails.

Without a project

You can use the plugin to deploy or undeploy from command line without needing a project.


$mvn cloudhub:deploy -Dcloudhub.username=username -Dcloudhub.password=password -Dcloudhub.domain=testdomain -Dapplication=/path/to/ -Dcloudhub.muleVersion=3.6.0


mvn cloudhub:undeploy -Dcloudhub.username=username -Dcloudhub.password=password -Dcloudhub.domain=testdomain

Note: pay attention to the domain name, CloudHub doesn't allow you to use an existing domain.