WildFly gRPC
Feature pack to bring gRPC support to WildFly. gRPC services are registered against a gRPC server listening, by default, to port 9555.
Only gRPC services are supported at the moment. Support for gRPC clients is coming soon.
Get Started
To build the feature pack, simply run
mvn install
This will build everything, and run the testsuite.
Once built you can provision a server with gRPC support using Galleon provisioning. An example using the
You can also configure this with the Galleon CLI tool:
galleon.sh install org.wildfly:wildfly-galleon-pack:$WILDFLY_VERSION --dir=wildfly-grpc
galleon.sh install org.wildfly.extras.grpc:wildfly-grpc-feature-pack:$GRPC_VERSION --dir=wildfly-grpc
Each example consists of three modules:
- Proto: Contains the proto definitions
- Service: Contains the gRPC service
- Client: Contains a client to call the deployed gRPC service
Before running the examples, please make sure that all necessary dependencies are available in your local maven repository:
mvn install -P examples
Hello World
The helloworld
example is a slightly modified version of the helloworld
example from gRPC Java examples.
To build the helloworld
service, provision a WildFly server with the gRPC subsystem and any necessary certificate files,
and deploy the service, run:
mvn wildfly:run -P examples -pl examples/helloworld/service -Dssl=SSL
where SSL is either
- none: plaintext
- oneway: server identity is verified
- twoway: both server and client identities are verified
The helloworld
client is a simple Java application. To build the client and call to the gRPC service, run:
mvn exec:java -P examples -pl examples/helloworld/client -Dexec.args="Bob SSL"
where, again, SSL is either "none", "oneway", or "twoway"
Alternatively you could also use tools like BloomRPC or gRPCurl to invoke the service:
grpcurl \ # plaintext
-proto examples/helloworld/proto/src/main/proto/helloworld.proto \
-plaintext \
-d '{"name":"Bob"}' \
localhost:9555 helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
grpcurl \ # oneway
-proto examples/helloworld/proto/src/main/proto/helloworld.proto \
-cacert examples/helloworld/client/src/main/resources/client.truststore.pem \
-d '{"name":"Bob"}' \
localhost:9555 helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
grpcurl \ # twoway
-proto examples/helloworld/proto/src/main/proto/helloworld.proto \
-cacert examples/helloworld/client/src/main/resources/client.truststore.pem \
-cert examples/helloworld/client/src/main/resources/client.keystore.pem \
-key examples/helloworld/client/src/main/resources/client.key.pem \
-d '{"name":"Bob"}' \
localhost:9555 helloworld.Greeter/SayHello
Note. To use the current versions of the certificate files with grpcurl, it is necessary to set
export GODEBUG=x509ignoreCN=0
This restriction will be removed in the future.
The chat
example is taken from gRPC by example.
To build the chat
service, provision a WildFly server with the gRPC subsystem and any necessary certificate files,
and deploy the service, run:
mvn wildfly:run -P examples -pl examples/chat/service -Dssl=SSL
where SSL is either
- none: plaintext
- oneway: server identity is verified
- twoway: both server and client identities are verified
The chat
client is a JavaFX application. To build the client and connect to the gRPC service, run:
mvn javafx:run -P examples -pl examples/chat/client -Dexec.args="SSL"
To see the chat
example in action, you should start multiple chat clients.
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