TNB - The New Beginning framework
TNB is a collection of JUnit 5 extensions designed for testing with external services referred to as System-X services.
For testing Camel based applications see fuse-products README file.
For using System-X services from your terminal see jbang integration README file.
There are two categories of System-X services: Remote
and Self-hosted
Remote services are internet-facing services that can be accessed publicly. Some examples of such services include Twitter
, Salesforce
, and
cloud providers
like AWS, Google, and Azure.
On the other hand, self-hosted services are typically internal services hosted on-premises or in private cloud environments. These services may
include messaging systems like Kafka
, file transfer protocol (FTP
) servers, and various types of databases
such as Cassandra, Postgres, MySQL,
and others.
Each System-X service comprises three parts:
- a Java object that contains all the information required to connect to the service -
- a Java client used to access the service -
- a Java object that wraps around theclient
and offers convenient methods to interact with the service.
Self-hosted services can be deployed locally using TestContainers or as deployments on OpenShift. The only change required to deploy a service on OpenShift is to specify one system property.
Example usage
public class KafkaTest {
public static Kafka kafka = ServiceFactory.create(Kafka.class);
public void testWithKafka() {
final String topic = "myTopic";
final String message = "Hello kafka!";
kafka.validation().produce(topic, message);
final List<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> records = kafka.validation().consume(topic);
Assertions.assertEquals(1, records.size());
Assertions.assertEquals(message, records.get(0).value());
In this case, a Kafka
System-X service instance is created using
ServiceFactory class. The default environment to run the test
is a local machine, so in this case the Kafka docker container is started automatically before running the
tests (using JUnit's @BeforeAll
method) and after the test method is executed, Kafka is automatically undeployed (again,
using JUnit's @AfterAll
Example service
Each service extends an abstract Service class that provides
the account
and validation
fields and methods.
Remote service
As stated earlier, in the case of a remote service, there is no requirement to deploy the service. Consequently, this service only establishes a connection to the remote service.
public class MyService implements Service {
private MyServiceAccount account;
private MyServiceClient client;
private MyServiceValidation validation;
public MyServiceAccount account() {
if (account == null) {
account = AccountFactory.create(MyServiceAccount.class);
return account;
protected MyServiceClient client() {
client = new MyServiceClient("");
return client;
public MyServiceValidation validation() {
return validation;
public void afterAll(ExtensionContext extensionContext) throws Exception {
if (client != null) {
public void beforeAll(ExtensionContext extensionContext) throws Exception {
validation = new MyServiceValidation(client(), account());
Self-hosted service
Every self-hosted service must be able to operate in both deployment environments, local and OpenShift. As demonstrated in the example,
a ServiceFactory
is utilized to construct a service instance. The correct implementation (local or OpenShift) is selected and deployed based on the
system property and the class name.
A sample self-hosted System-X service might appear as follows:
public abstract class MyService implements Service, WithDockerImage {
// Account, Client, Validation with methods as in external service
public abstract String hostname();
public String defaultImage() {
return "";
public class LocalMyService extends MyService implements Deployable {
// TestContainers container that runs the given docker image
private MyServiceContainer container;
public void deploy() {
// start the container
public void undeploy() {
// stop the container
public void openResources() {
// connect the client to the service
public void closeResources() {
// close the client
public String hostname() {
// example method that is different for each deployment
// WithExternalHostname is the hostname where the client should connect
public class OpenshiftMyService extends MyService implements OpenshiftDeployable, WithExternalHostname {
public void create() {
// deploy the service
public void undeploy() {
// undeploy the service
public void openResources() {
// connect the client to the service
public boolean isReady() {
// a condition when the service deployment is ready
public boolean isDeployed() {
// a condition when the service is already deployed in the namespace and shouldn't be deployed again
public String externalHostname() {
// for example a path to the route in openshift
public void closeResources() {
// close the client
Overriding the default image
As observed, the Docker image used is hardcoded within the System-X service. To substitute the image without altering the source code, you can utilize
the system property that is derived from the System-X service name. For example, to override the docker image for the MongoDB
service, you would use
the tnb.mongodb.image
Configuring services
Some services may have additional configurations. In such cases, the service would have a ServiceConfiguration class and would extend the ConfigurableService class. You can refer to the Splunk System-X service and its Configuration class for an example.
Afterward, you can configure the service using the ServiceFactory
As mentioned earlier, each System-X service has an associated Account class. The values in the account classes are hardcoded for self-hosted services, however, for external services, exposing the secrets in the test repository is not recommended.
Currently, TNB enables loading credentials from either a HashiCorp vault or from YAML file (or YAML string).
You can use the AccountFactory#create(YourAccount.class)
method in the
dedicated AccountFactory class to obtain the account instance with
filled attributes.
Parsing accounts from HashiCorp Vault
The credentials format must conform to the same structure as the YAML file. You must store a secret named credentials under the ID
in the account configuration.
You must provide the following properties in this scenario:
# Use either token or roleId + secretId configuration
# Pattern passed to String.format() where %s is the id of the credentials for the account
Loading accounts from the credentials file
You can set a credentials YAML file by using the test.credentials.file
property with the following structure:
access_key: xxxx
secret_key: xxxx
region: xxxx
account_id: xxxx
username: xxxx
password: xxxx
To load the credentials from the YAML file, you need to implement Account#id(String id)
method in your account, where the id
matches the
credentials id from the yaml file (in the example above, aws
, or jira
). Your account fields must have the same names as the fields in the YAML
Loading accounts from the system property
Instead of creating a separate file for the credentials, you can also load the credentials directly from a YAML string. The format of the string
is exactly the same as the credentials file. In this case, you need to set the content to the the test.credentials
Overriding account IDs
Each loaded account must have the id
defined. If you need to override the default id, you can do so by setting a system property derived from the
account class name. For example, to override the default id
for AWSAccount
class, you can set the
Composite account
An account instance can also be created by parsing multiple entries from a credentials file, which allows for a credential extension mechanism of some sort. To enable this functionality, when creating a new instance, all parent classes are automatically checked for the presence of WithId interface - in that case the parent ids are also used to populate the account instance.
Let's look at the following classes and credentials file as an example:
public class ParentAccount implements Account, WithId {
private String parentKey;
public String credentialsId() {
return "parent";
public class ChildAccount extends ParentAccount {
private String childKey;
public String credentialsId() {
return "child";
parentKey: parentValue
childKey: childValue
If you instantiate the ChildAccount
using AccountFactory.create(ChildAccount.class)
, the resulting account is created by first creating an
from the parent
credentials, and then the credentials with id child
are merged into the existing object. This results in the account having both
of values populated.
However, in the case of composite accounts, it is necessary that at least one of the given credentials ids exist.
Let's take a look at the account classes introduced earlier and the following credentials file:
parentKey: parentValue
childKey: childValue
In this scenario, the credentials file does not have an entry with the parent id, but it contains all the necessary values for the child account.
Each System-X service is accompanied by a validation class which offers methods for interacting with the service through the client, making it easier to use when the client API is not straightforward. The validation class should be continuously updated as the usage of the System-X service evolves.
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IntelliJ IDEA setup
EditorConfig support
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For more information see the readme files in the modules.