
easily setup multi tenancy for your meteor app

meteor add flipace:tenantify@=1.0.0


Stories in Ready


tenantify is a meteor package which provides support for (at least) subdomain multi-tenancy within one mongo database.

i would like to extend its functionality to support multi-db setup too


tenantify is only tested with nginx.


Setup a nginx server to proxy_pass to your meteor application.

You can do this like that:

proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;

tenantify uses a very simple and straightforward way to define collections which should be "tenantified".

First, tell tenantify in which collection you save your tenant ids. This is straightforward:

Tenantify.setTenantCollection(Teams, '_id');

Teams is the collection in which I have all my tenants. The _id field should be used as the tenant id.

When using the subdomain-based tenant system, you'll need to have a field with the key 'subdomain' which contains the String value of the subdomain for this tenant.

For example:

_id    |    name    |    subdomain
...    |  Client 1  |  client1
...    |  Client 2  |  client2

To "tenantify" a collection, you simple use this command once on the server or the client - depending on your needs.

Tenantify.collection(Projects, {
    tenantField: '_team_id',
    denyForNonTenant: true

This adds the needed hooks so, every time you use Projects.find({}) afterwards, it's going to automatically add the appropriate tenant clause to the query.

The denyForNonTenant option allows you to get the results for all tenants if no tenant could be found. This is probably not needed most of the time, so it's default is true.


Feel free to add issues, pull requests or feature requests.


Patrick Neschkudla
