
Emails queue with schedule and support of HTML-Templates, and custom SMTP connection

atmosphere, balancer, cluster, email, email-sender, mail, mail-time, mailer, meteor, meteor-mailer, meteor-package, microservice, server, smtp
meteor add ostrio:mailer@=1.2.4


Meteor Mailer (MailTime)

Send emails via built-in Email.send() method, but with support of HTML-templates, SMTP and Queue + retries. If there is error with email sending, like connection to SMTP, - letter will be placed into queue and tried to send it 50 times with progressive interval up to 60 seconds.

ES6 Import:

import { MailTime } from 'meteor/ostrio:mailer';


Mailer = new MailTime(options);

options {Object} - Object with next properties:

  • login {String} - [required] Your login on SMTP server, ex.: no-reply
  • host {String} - [required] Domain name or IP-address of SMTP server, ex.: smtp.example.com
  • connectionUrl {String} - [required] Connection (auth) URL with login, password and port, ex.: smtp://account:password@smtp.gmail.com:465
  • accountName {String} - Name of the account (usually shown next to or instead of email address). By default equals to login property, ex.: Some Service Name Support
  • intervalTime {Number} - How often try to send an email in seconds. By default 60 seconds, ex.: 600
  • retryTimes {Number} - How many times to retry to send email. By default 50, ex.: 10
  • saveHistory {Boolean} - Save sent emails. By default false, ex.: true
  • verbose {Boolean} - Show messages of sending/pending into server's console. By default false, ex.: true
  • template {String} - Plain-text or HTML with Spacebars-like placeholders
    • if is not set, email will be sent within our default sleek built-in template
    • template should be plain-text or HTML with Spacebars-like placeholders


For gmail hosted mail:

Mailer = new MailTime({
  login: 'noreply-meteor',
  host: 'gmail.com',
  connectionUrl: 'smtp://account:password@smtp.gmail.com:465',
  accountName: 'My Project MailBot',
  verbose: true,
  intervalTime: 120,
  retryTimes: 10,
  saveHistory: true,
  template: 'Plain-text or HTML with Spacebars-like placeholders'

For own hosted smtp server:

Mailer = new MailTime({
  login: 'no-reply@example.com',
  host: 'smtp.example.com',
  connectionUrl: 'smtp://no-reply@example.com:password@smtp.example.com:587',
  accountName: 'My Project MailBot'


.send() method

Mailer = new MailTime({/* .. */});
Mailer.send(options, callback);
  • options {Object}:
    • to {String} - [required] Recipient email address
    • cc {String} - [optional] Recipient email address
    • bcc {String} - [optional] Recipient email address
    • replyTo {String} - [optional] Recipient email address
    • subject {String} - [required] Plain text or HTML
    • message {String} - [required] Plain text or HTML with placeholders
    • sendAt {Date} - Date when email should be sent. By default - current time
    • template {String} - Plain-text or HTML with Spacebars-like placeholders
      • if is not set, by default email will be sent within template passed via initialization options or our default template
      • template should be plain-text or HTML with Spacebars-like placeholders
  • callback {Function} - [Optional] Arguments error, success and recipient arguments. Note: There is no way to use this callback function in multi-server infrastructure, callbacks is stored in-memory and will be wiped upon server restart. Primary usage for callback is debugging, do not use for logic/algorithm/etc.


  to: 'to@example.com',
  message: 'Some HTML or plain-text string (required)',
  subject: 'Some HTML or plain-text string (required)',
  template: '<html> <head> <title>{{Subject}}</title> </head> <body> <h3>{{{Subject}}}</h3> <p>{{{Message}}}</p></body></html>',
}, function(error, success, recipient) {
  if (error) {
    console.log("mail is not sent to " + recipient);
  if (success) {
    return console.log("mail successfully sent to " + recipient);

Template example (should be passed to template as String):

<html lang="{{lang}}">
      <a href="{{url}}">{{appname}}</a>