
Helpers for Meteor's tinytest

meteor add williamledoux:tinytest-tools@=0.2.0


tinytest-tools v0.2.0

(Wanabee set of) helper(s) for working with Meteor's tinytest framework. Contributions and comments are very welcome

Callback Watcher

Helper to test one or more functions that are supposed to call callbacks they were passed as parameters.

With this helper, you can easily get or make understandable errors whenever some callbacks:

  • haven't been called in a certain times, or have been called too many times
  • have not been called in a specified order
  • have been called with the wrong parameters
  • have been called in the wrong context

Note: this helper goal is similar to Meteor's callback_logger, but with different API.


  Tinytest.addAsync("Example Test", function(test, onComplete){
    var CBW = new CallbacksWatcher(test);
    // create a callback that should be called 3 times
    // and would do nothing but returning true
    var WrappedCallback1 = CBW.wrapCB("MyFirstCallback", 3, true);
    // wrap an existing callback that should be called 2 times 
    // in a specific order (it should be the first and sixth callback 
    //  called among all wrapped callbacks)
    var WrappedCallback2 = CBW.wrapCB("MyFirstCallback", [0, 5], ExistingCallback);
    MyTestedFunction(WrappedCallback1, WrappedCallback2);

    // Call the oncomplete callback 10ms after the last wrapped callback has been called.
    // Fail if some callbacks have not yet been called after 500ms.
    CBW.wait(onComplete, 10, 500); 



CallbacksWatcher needs the tinytest's test object

  Tinytest.addAsync("Example Test", function(test, onComplete){
    var CBW = new CallbacksWatcher(test);

wrapCB(name, expectedCalls, callback, bForceArgs)

Will wrap the callback and watch that it will be called expectedCalls (number) times or in the expectedCalls (array) call sequence.

name will be used in failure messages related to this callback.

The callback will be called with an extra last parameter iCall that may be useful for making different tests for each call

  var foo = function(a, b, c){};
  var bar = function(){ Collection.insert({some:"value"}) };
  var testedFunction = function(fooCB, barCB){
    fooCB(1, 2, 3);
    fooCB(3, 2, 1);
  Tinytest.addAsync("Example Test", function(test, onComplete){
    var CBW = new CallbacksWatcher(test);
    // must be called 3 times with no specific order
    var WrappedBar = CBW.wrapCB("", 3, bar); 
    // must be the first and third called callback, with additionnal tests on arguments and context
    var WrappedFoo = CBW.wrapCB("", [0, 2], function(a, b, c, iCall){
        case 0: // first call tests
          test.equal(a, 1);
        case 1: // second call tests
          test.equal(a, 3); 
          test.equal(Collection.find().count(), 12);
      // call the wrapped callback
      return foo(a, b, c);
    testedFunction(wrappedFoo, wrappedBar);
    CBW.wait(onComplete, 10, 500); 

However, in case the callback takes more than 5 parameters, or if the bForceArgs is set to true, callback will be called with an array of parameters. Note that bForceArgs needs to be true if some of the parameters of the callback may be ommitted by the tested function.

  var foo = function(a, b, c){};
  var bar = function(a, b, c, d, e, f){};
  var testedFunction = function(fooCB, barCB){
    fooCB(1, 2); // not calling all parameters
    barCB(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6); // more than 5 parameters
    fooCB(3, 2); // not calling all parameters
  Tinytest.addAsync("Example Test", function(test, onComplete){
    var CBW = new CallbacksWatcher(test);

    // this won't work because of optional parameters:
    var WrappedFoo = CBW.wrapCB("", 1, foo); 
    // instead do:
    var WrappedFoo = CBW.wrapCB("", 2, function(args){
      // optionnal tests on arguments:
        case 0: test.equal(args[0], 1); break; // first call arg test
        case 1: test.equal(args[0], 3); break; // second call arg test
      return foo(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
    }, true); // <-- bForceArgs needs to be true !!

    // this won't work because more than 5 parameters:
    var WrappedBar = CBW.wrapCB("", 1, bar); 
    // instead do:
    var WrappedBar = CBW.wrapCB("", 1, function(args){
      return bar(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]);

    testedFunction(wrappedFoo, wrappedBar);
    CBW.wait(onComplete, 10, 500); 

callback can also not be a function:

  var WrappedCallback1 = CBW.wrapCB("MyFirstCallback", 1, 42); 
  // is similar to
  var WrappedCallback1 = CBW.wrapCB("MyFirstCallback", 1, function(){return 42;}); 

wait(onComplete, delay, interval)

Will call tinytest's onComplete callback delayms after the last expected callback call has been made. Will make the test to fail if no callback has been called during intervalms

  Tinytest.addAsync("Example Test", function(test, onComplete){
    // Call the oncomplete callback 10ms after the last wrapped callback has been called.
    // Fail if some callbacks have not yet been called after 500ms.
    CBW.wait(onComplete, 10, 500); 


  • 0.2.0
  • Preserve this when calling wrapped callbacks
  • 0.1.2
  • Update to official meteor packaging system