
Utilities with dealing with 1d and 2d bit arrays.

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Bitty - bit array utilities for nim.

API: bitty

import bitty

type BitArray

Creates an array of bits all packed in together.

BitArray = ref object
  bits: seq[uint64]
  len*: int

proc newBitArray

Create a new bit array.

proc newBitArray(len: int = 0): BitArray

proc []

Access a single bit.

proc `[]`(b: BitArray; i: int): bool {.raises: [IndexError].}

proc []=

Set a single bit.

proc `[]=`(b: BitArray; i: int; v: bool) {.raises: [IndexError].}

proc ==

Are two bit arrays the same.

proc `==`(a, b: BitArray): bool

proc and

And(s) two bit arrays returning a new bit array.

proc `and`(a, b: BitArray): BitArray {.raises: [ValueError].}

proc or

Or(s) two bit arrays returning a new bit array.

proc `or`(a, b: BitArray): BitArray {.raises: [ValueError].}

proc not

Not(s) or inverts a and returns a new bit array.

proc `not`(a: BitArray): BitArray

proc $

Turns the bit array into a string.

proc `$`(b: BitArray): string {.raises: [IndexError].}

proc add

Add a bit to the end of the array.

proc add(b: BitArray; v: bool)

proc hash

Computes a Hash for the bit array.

proc hash(b: BitArray): Hash

type BitArray2d

Creates an array of bits all packed in together.

BitArray2d = ref object
  bits: BitArray
  stride: int

proc newBitArray2d

Create a new bit array.

proc newBitArray2d(stride, len: int): BitArray2d

proc []

proc `[]`(b: BitArray2d; x, y: int): bool {.raises: [IndexError].}

proc []=

proc `[]=`(b: BitArray2d; x, y: int; v: bool) {.raises: [IndexError].}

proc and

And(s) two bit arrays returning a new bit array.

proc `and`(a, b: BitArray2d): BitArray2d {.raises: [ValueError].}

proc or

Or(s) two bit arrays returning a new bit array.

proc `or`(a, b: BitArray2d): BitArray2d {.raises: [ValueError].}

proc not

Not(s) or inverts a and returns a new bit array.

proc `not`(a: BitArray2d): BitArray2d

proc ==

Are two bit arrays the same.

proc `==`(a, b: BitArray2d): bool

proc hash

Computes a Hash for the bit array.

proc hash(b: BitArray2d): Hash

proc $

Turns the bit array into a string.

proc `$`(b: BitArray2d): string {.raises: [IndexError].}