
A Discord Bot & REST Library.

discord, api, library, rest, gateway, client, discord-api, discord-library, nim
nimble install dimscord



A Discord Bot & REST Library for Nim.

Why Dimscord?

  • It is a bit more straightforward.
  • Nim is a good programming language and I believe that Nim should stand a chance on having a good enough discord library.
  • It has REST mode feature.
  • The other nim discord library has bunch of issues and also the way of handling.


What is Nim?

Where is the documentation for the library?

  • The docs will be out soon or later.


  • This library is 90% finished (estimate).

  • When running your discord bot you would need to define -d:ssl e.g. nim c -r -d:ssl yourfilename.nim

  • For compressing data and stuff you would need zlib1.dll to be installed, you can put it at your .nimble/bin directory or just simply put it at your folder.

  • Voice support will be added on later.

How to install Dimscord:

Step 1: Install Nim

You can use choosenim or you could download it from Nim's website

Step 2: Install Dimscord

You'd can install Dimscord via Nimble using nimble install dimscord or Github git clone https://github.com/krisppurg/dimscord

You will need at least Nim 1.0.0 to install dimscord

Step 3: Enjoy.

Stay up-to-date with the latest Dimscord release and stuff.

Quick Example:

import dimscord, asyncdispatch

let cl = newDiscordClient("<token>")

cl.events.on_ready = proc (s: Shard, r: Ready) = # Add Event Handler for on_ready.
    echo "Connected to Discord as " & $r.user

cl.events.message_create = proc (s: Shard, m: Message) = #  Add Event Handler for message_create.
    if m.author.bot: return
    if m.content == "!ping": # if message content is "!ping"
        let before = getTime().utc.toTime.toUnix
        let msg = waitFor cl.api.sendMessage(m.channel_id, "ping?")
        let after = getTime().utc.toTime.toUnix 
        asyncCheck cl.api.editMessage(m.channel_id, msg.id, "Pong! took " & $int(after - before) & "ms | " & $s.getPing() & "ms.") # Edit the message as pong! asyncCheck means that it  will only raise an exception if it fails.
    elif m.content == "!embed": # otherwise if content is embed
        asyncCheck cl.api.sendMessage(m.channel_id, embed = ?Embed( # Sends a messge with embed. The '?' symbol is a shorthand for 'some' in options.
            title: ?"Hello there!", 
            description: ?"This is a cool embed",
            color: ?5))

waitFor cl.startSession(compress=true)