
Firejail wrapper for Nim, Isolate your Production App before its too late!

firejail, security, linux, isolation, container, infosec, hardened, sandbox, docker, hardening, nim, nim-lang, secure, secure-by-default, security-hardening, security-tools
nimble install firejail



  • Firejail wrapper for Nim. Isolate your Production App before its too late! 🔥 🔐👑🔥


Whats Firejail?

...and why should I use it?



  • nimble install firejail


import firejail

# Create a Firejail, all args are optional, all options are Boolean, super easy!.
let myjail = Firejail(no3d=true, noDbus=true, noDvd=true, noRoot=true, noSound=true,
                      noVideo=true, noShell=true, noX=true, noNet=true, noIp=true)

echo myjail.list() # List all Firejails sandboxes running, return a seq[JsonNode] (computer friendly)

echo myjail.tree() # List all Firejails sandboxes running, return a string (human friendly)

echo myjail.shutdown(pid=42) # Shutdown a running Firejail sandbox by PID, return bool, true if Ok

echo myjail.exec("myApp --some-arg") # Run your App isolated inside the Firejail.

# For more info read the Docs...


  • API is a 1-1 copy of the CLI Firejails API, so any Firejails Docs work too.
  • Best Linux Security made super easy, just 4 proc, ~110 Lines of code.
  • Timeout is on Hours, up to 255 hours, byte type, when the timeout is reached the Jail is auto stopped.
  • dnsServers is 1 array of 4 strings, for 4 DNS Servers, array[4, string] type, 4 IP addresses must be provided.
  • blacklist is 1 seq of strings, seq[string] type, paths must exist.
  • whitelist is 1 seq of strings, seq[string] type, paths must exist.
  • hostsFile is 1 file path string, will be the Jails /etc/hosts, string type, file must exist.
  • chroot is 1 folder path string, will be the Jails chroot isolated filesystem, string type, folder must exist.
  • tmpfs is 1 folder path string, will be the Jails tmpfs temporary isolated filesystem, string type, folder must exist.
  • Run nim doc firejails.nim for more Documentation.
  • Run nim genDepend firejail.nim for UML Graphics of internal code structure.
  • Run nim c -r firejails.nim for an Example.
  • Are you a Security Hacker?, Pull Requests welcome!


  • This works with Docker or Vagrant?.


  • I have Docker, I dont need this?.

Docker current issues is a lack of strong security, 1 security breach in 1 container can be exploited to access all containers on the server, since containers share resources with each others. This doesnt do virtualization but is more like a locked-down secure chroot jail, which grants a locked-down view of a system. Sometimes even basic tiny libs and drivers have security vulnerabilities, virtualized or not. With this your software can only access what it needs to access, and not a whole system, virtualized or not. This works with simple booleans, as example noDbus=true and DBus is gone, but good luck stripping all D-Bus from the Ubuntu running inside that Docker.

  • This works with JavaScript?

No. firejail cant run on the browser.

  • Whats the option useMtuJumbo9000?.

Network MTU Jumbo Frames. This is optional. This is just a shortcut to improve UX.

  • Whats the option forceEnUsUtf8?.

Forces EN English as language and UTF-8 Unicode as encoding on Firejail. This is optional. This is just a shortcut to improve UX.

  • Whats the option useRandomMac?.

Random Network MAC Address on Firejail. This is optional. This is just a shortcut to improve UX.

  • Why use a Random MAC Address?.

Devices send a signal to look for networks, the signal contains the unique physical hardware (MAC) address for your device, this unique address can be used to track you on a network and "map" a network, you can use a random MAC address to make it harder to track. This is optional. This is just an extra feature so you dont have to do it manually if you need to.