
Documentation generator that produces pdf and docx from Markdown. Uses Pandoc and LaTeX behind the scenes.

foliant, docs, pdf, docx, word, latex, tex, pandoc, markdown, md, restream
nimble install foliant



foliant is a documentation generator that builds PDF, Docx, and TeX documents from Markdown source.

Get It

  • Download the compiled binary from this repo's bin directory and use it right away.

  • If you have Nim and Nimble installed, install foliant with Nimble:

$ nimble install foliant


Usage: foliant (build|upload) OPTIONS ARGUMENTS


Build PDF, Docx, TeX, or Markdown file from Markdown source. Special target
"gdrive" is a shortcut for building Docx and uploading it to Google Drive.

Usage: foliant build --target=(pdf|docx|tex|markdown|gdrive) [--path=/project/path]

If no path is specified, the current directory is used.

You can shorten "--target"" to "-t," "--path" to "-p," and target—to a single

  $ foliant -t=p -p=/project/path

Using ":" instead of "=" is allowed. Using space IS NOT:

  $ foliant -t:d -p:/project/path # OK
  $ foliant -t d -p /project/path # FAIL


Upload Docx file to Google Drive. To use the Google Drive API, you need
a web app OAuth 2.0 client secret from Google API Console. You probably
don't have to create the app yourself. Instead, you should be provided
with a client_secret_*.json file, which you should put in foliant's
working directory or point explicitly with "--secret."

Usage: foliant upload /project/to/yourdocument.docx [--secret=/path/to/client_secret_*.json]

You can shorten "--secret"" to "-s":

  $ foliant -s=/path/to/client_secret_*.json /project/to/yourdocument.docx

Using ":" instead of "=" is allowed. Using space IS NOT:

  $ foliant -s:/path/to/client_secret_*.json /project/to/yourdocument.docx # OK
  $ foliant -s /path/to/client_secret_*.json /project/to/yourdocument.docx # FAIL

Project Layout

For foliant to be able to build your docs, your project must conform to a particular layout:

│   config.json
│   main.yaml
│       ref.docx
│   │
│   │
│   │
│   └───images
│           Lenna.png


Config file, mostly for Pandoc.

  "title": "Lorem ipsum",           // Document title.
  "second_title": "Dolor sit amet", // Document subtitle.
  "lang": "english",                // Document language, "russian" or "english."
                                    // If not specified, "russian" is used.
  "company": "restream",            // Your company name, "undev" or "restream".
                                    // Shown at the bottom of each page.
  "year": "2016",                   // Document publication year.
                                    // Shown at the bottom of each page.
  "title_page": "true",             // Add title page or not.
  "toc": "true",                    // Add table of contents or not.
  "tof": "true",                    // Unknown
  "template": "basic",              // LaTeX template to use. Do NOT add ".tex"!
  "version": "1.0",                 // Document version. If not specified
                                    // or set to "auto," the version is generated
                                    // automatically based on git tag and revision number.
  "date":"true",                    // Add date to the title page.
  "type": "",                       // Unknown
  "alt_doc_type": "",               // Unknown

For historic reasons, all config values should be strings, even if they mean a number or boolean value.


Contents file. Here, you define the order of the chapters of your project:

--- # Contents
- introduction
- chapter1
- chapter2


Directory with the Docx reference file. It must be called ref.docx.


Directory with the Markdown source file of your project.


Images that can be embedded in the source files. When embedding an image, do not prepend it with images/:

![](image1.png)        # RIGHT
![](images/image1.png) # WRONG


LaTeX templates used to build PDF, Docx, and TeX files. The template to use in build is configured in config.json.

Uploading to Google Drive

To upload a Docx file to Google Drive as a Google Docs document, use foliant upload command or foliant build --target=gdrive, which is a shortcut for generating a Docx file and uploading it.

For the upload to work, you need to have a so called client secret file. By default, foliant tries to find it in the directory it was invoked in, but you can specify the path to it with --secret option.

Client secret file is obtained through Google API Console. You probably don't need to obtain it yourself. The person who told you to use foliant should provide you this file as well.