
Rust-like tuple enums

adt, enum, rust, match, tagged union
nimble install fungus@#v0.1.4



Rust-like tuple enums. Give me a macro and a fulcrum to rest it on and I'll likely make an obnoxious macro.

What does it do?

Does what it says on the tin... generates Rust-like ADT enums, those weird ones with fields. Consider the following idiomatic Nim code:

  ShapeKind = enum
    NoneKind, CircleKind, RectangleKind, LineKind

  Shape = object
    case kind: ShapeKind
    of LineKind:
      lx1, ly1, lx2, ly2: int
    of RectangleKind:
      rx, ry, rw, rh: int
    of CircleKind:
      cRadius, cx, cy: int
    of NoneKind:

This is a bit messy due to rightly not being able to share field names(Nim variants are great for specific things, for other things they are a bit in the way). Other languages get around it doing something similar to what this library does, statically enforcing unpacking each kind. What one writes with fungus instead is:

import fungus
  Circle: tuple[x, y, r: int]
  Rectangle: tuple[x, y, w, h: int]
  Line: tuple[x1, y1, x2, y2: int]

This generates a static type per each branch, and also a bunch of accessor procedures. The type definitions look like:

  ShapeKind = enum
    NoneKind, CircleKind, RectangleKind, LineKind
  Shape = object
    case kind: ShapeKind
    of LineKind:
        tuple[x1, y1, x2, y2: int]
    of RectangleKind:
        tuple[x, y, w, h: int]
    of CircleKind:
        tuple[x, y, r: int]
    of NoneKind:

  None = distinct Shape
  Circle = distinct Shape
  Rectangle = distinct Shape
  Line = distinct Shape

Which means the following is possible:

var a = Shape Circle.init(10, 10, 100) = 300
a = Shape Line.init(0, 0, 1, 1)

This doesnt solve much altogether, which is what the match and from macros are for.

if (var myVar: Line) from a: # notice `var` this is a mutable match
  inc myVar.x1
  echo myVar
elif (myOtherVar: Circle) from a:
  echo myOtherVar

What this macro expands into is a.kind == CircleKind and (let myOtherVar = Circle(a); true). This allows you to work similarly to Rust's if let construct, but this composes better(it should not bug out as easily :P ). Now to do some primitive pattern matching!

match a:
of Circle as mut circ:
  circ.r = 1000
  echo circ
of Rectangle as rect:
  echo rect
of Line as (mut x1, _, x2, _):
  inc x1
else: discard

The match macro is very very basic pattern matching. It is not too disimilar to the from macro. As one can see though it allows a as mut name to introduce a mutable name to the matching variable. There is also the as name which is an immutable variable match. Finally there is a tuple match which is (x, y, z, w), much like the other match mut can prefix a name to indicate it is a mutable match. Tuple unpacking works just like normally for this matching, although one can match as few positional fields as they want.


Yes this also supports some subset of generics.

import fungus
  Node: tuple[n: ref LinkedList[T], val: T]

proc newNode[T](val: T): Node[T] =
  result = Node[T].init((ref LinkedList[T])(), val)
  result.n[] = LinkedList[T] Nil[T].init()

proc prepend[T](node: LinkedList[T], val: T): LinkedList[T] =
  result = LinkedList[T] Node[T].init(new LinkedList[T], val)
  Node[T](result).n[] = node

proc len[T](list: LinkedList[T]): int =
  var theList = list
  while (node: Node) from theList:
    inc result
    theList = node.n[]

proc `$`[T](list: LinkedList[T]): string =
  var theList = list
  result = "["
  while (node: Node) from theList:
    result.add $node.val
    result.add ", "
    theList = node.n[]

  if result.len > 1:
    result.setLen(result.len - 2)
  result.add "]"

var myList = LinkedList[int] newNode(10)
myList = myList.prepend(11)
myList = myList.prepend(12)
myList = myList.prepend(13)
echo myList
echo myList.len

var myList2 = LinkedList[string] newNode("world")
myList2 = myList2.prepend "cruel"
myList2 = myList2.prepend "hello"
echo myList2
echo myList2.len

The above just works(thanks to the Rust book for a small example of linked lists using an ADT).

In the present state all generated procedures are private and need to be manually exported.