
Directory listing tool

directory, file, listing, ls, tree, stats
nimble install lq


(Tested only on Linux)

This is a simple directory/file listing tool.

Similar to what ls does, except it doesn't have all of its features.

Normal view with --count

This is how it normally looks.

Here it's using a flag to count the items inside each directory.

Salad Mode

This is a preset that turns on certain options to make it look like this.

Blender Mode

This is a preset that turns on certain options to make it look like this.

List Mode

Show items in a vertical list.

Using --abc

Categorize results by letters.

Filtering with regex

You can use regex to filter results.

Just add re: to the filter.

Of course you can just use a non regex string to do so.

Extra information

Here's using the --prefix and --size flags.

These show on the left if it's a D (Directory) or F (File).

It also shows the size on the right of files.

All available flags