
A build tool for Neverwinter Nights projects

nwn, neverwinternights, neverwinter, game, bioware, build
nimble install nasher



This is a command-line utility for managing a Neverwinter Nights script or module repository.


$ git clone nasher
$ cd nasher
$ nimble install


Run nasher --help to see usage information. To get detailed usage information on a particular command, run nasher command --help, where command is the command you wish to learn about.

Initializing a new project

# Create a nasher project in the current directory
$ nasher init

# Create a nasher project in directory foo
$ nasher init foo

This will create a nasher.cfg file in the project directory. You can alter the contents of this file to customize the paths to sources, add author information, etc.

Listing build targets

# List target names only
$ nasher list

# List target names, descriptions, packed file, and source files
$ nasher list --verbose

This will list the targets available in the current project. The first target listed is treated as the default.


# Compile all scripts for the default target
$ nasher compile

# Compile all scripts for the target "demo"
$ nasher compile demo

The compiled scripts are placed into .nasher/build/x, where x is the name of the target.


# Packing the default target
$ nasher pack

# Pack "demo"
$ nasher pack demo

This compiles scripts, converts json sources into their gff counterparts, and packs the resources into the target file. The resources are placed into .nasher/build/x, where x is the name of the target. The packed file is placed into the project root directory. If the file to be packed already exists in the project root, you will be prompted to overwrite it. You can force answer the prompt by passing the --yes, --no, or --default flags.


# Install the packed file for the default target
$ nasher install

# Install the packed file for "demo"
$ nasher install demo

This command packs the target file and then installs it to the appropriate folder in the NWN installation path. If the file to be installed already exists at the target location, you will be prompted to overwrite it. You can force answer the prompt by passing the --yes, --no, or --default flags.

Unpacking a file

# Unpack "demo.mod" into src/
$ nasher unpack demo.mod

# Unpack demo.mod into current directory
$ nasher unpack demo.mod .

# Unpack demo.mod into demo/src/
# These directories will be created if they do not exist
$ nasher unpack demo.mod demo/src

# Unpack demo.mod into src/ but do not divide resource types
$ nasher unpack demo.mod --flat

This unpacks a .mod, .erf, or .hak file into the source tree (defaults to src/), converting the gff files into their json counterparts. If the --flat flag is not specified, the files will be sorted into directories based on their type (i.e., module.ifo -> src/ifo/module.ifo.json).

If the unpacked files would overwrite files already present in the source directory, you will be prompted to overwrite them. You can force-answer the prompts by passing the --yes, --no, or --newer flags.

You can initialize a project with the contents of a .mod, .erf, or .hak file by running:

# Initialize into foo using the contents of bar.mod as source files
# e.g., module.ifo -> foo/src/ifo/module.ifo.json
$ nasher init foo bar.mod

# As above, but do not divide resource types
# e.g., module.ifo -> foo/src/module.ifo.json
$ nasher init foo bar.mod --flat

This is equivalent to:

$ nasher init foo
$ cd foo
$ nasher unpack ../bar.mod

# Or, if --flat is passed...
$ nasher init foo
$ cd foo
$ nasher unpack ../bar.mod --flat
