
Library for querying HTML using CSS-selectors, like JavaScripts document.querySelector

html, scraping, web, nim
nimble install nimquery@#v1.0.1



A library for querying HTML using CSS selectors, like JavaScripts document.querySelector.


import xmltree
import htmlparser
import streams
import nimquery

let html = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
let xml = parseHtml(newStringStream(html))
let elements = xml.querySelectorAll("p:nth-child(odd)")
echo elements
# => @[<p>1</p>, <p>3</p>]

Supported selectors

Nimquery supports all combinators, the comma operator and all CSS3 selectors except the following (most of which have no meaning in a headless context):

  • :root
  • :link
  • :visited
  • :active
  • :hover
  • :focus
  • :target
  • :lang(...)
  • :enabled
  • :disabled
  • :checked
  • ::first-line
  • ::first-letter
  • ::before
  • ::after


proc querySelectorAll*(XmlNode: root, queryString: string, options: set[NimqueryOption] = NimqueryDefaultOptions): seq[XmlNode]

Get all elements matching queryString.
Raises ParseError if parsing of queryString fails.
See Options for information about the options parameter.

proc querySelector*(XmlNode: root, queryString: string, options: set[NimqueryOption] = NimqueryDefaultOptions): XmlNode

Get the first element matching queryString, or nil if no such element exists.
Raises ParseError if parsing of queryString fails.
See Options for information about the options parameter.

proc parseHtmlQuery*(queryString: string, options: set[NimqueryOption] = NimqueryDefaultOptions): Query

Parses a query for later use.
Raises ParseError if parsing of queryString fails.
See Options for information about the options parameter.

proc exec*(query: Query, root: XmlNode, single: static[bool]): seq[XmlNode]

Execute an already parsed query. If single = true, it will never return more than one element.


The NimqueryOption enum contains flags for configuring the behavior when parsing/searching:

  • optUniqueIds: Indicates if id attributes should be assumed to be unique.
  • optSimpleNot: Indicates if only simple selectors are allowed in the :not(...). Note that combinators are never allowed.
  • optUnicodeIdentifiers: Indicates if unicode characters are allowed inside identifiers. Doesn't affect strings where unicode is always allowed.

The default options are exported as const nimqueryDefaultOptions* = { optUniqueIds, optUnicodeIdentifiers, optSimpleNot }.

Below is an example of using the options parameter to allow a complex :not(...) selector.

import xmltree
import htmlparser
import streams
import nimquery

let html = """
<!DOCTYPE html>
      <p class="maybe-skip">2</p>
      <p class="maybe-skip">3</p>
let xml = parseHtml(newStringStream(html))
let options = nimqueryDefaultOptions - { optSimpleNot }
let elements = xml.querySelectorAll("p:not(.maybe-skip:nth-child(even))", options)
echo elements
# => @[<p>1</p>, <p class="maybe-skip">3</p>, <p>4</p>]