
PEG (Parsing Expression Grammars) string matching library for Nim

PEG, parser, parsing, regexp, regular, grammar, lexer, lexing, pattern, matching, gerexp, nim, parser-generator, regex, regular-expressions
nimble install npeg



NPeg is a pure Nim pattern-matching library. It provides macros to compile patterns and grammars (PEGs) to Nim procedures which will parse a string and capture selected parts of the input string to a complex data strucure.

Npeg can generate parsers that run at compile time.


The patt() and peg() macros can be used to compile parser functions.

patt() can create a parser from a single anonymouse pattern, while peg() allows the definion of a set of (potentially recursive) rules making up a complete grammar.

The result of these macros is a parser function that can be called to parse a subject string. The parser function returns an object of the type MatchResult:

MatchResult = object
  ok: bool                   # Set to 'true' if the string parsed without errors
  matchLen: int              # The length up to where the string was parsed.
  captures: seq[string]      # All captures in a single seq
  capturesJson: JsonNode     # JSON tree of parsed strings, arrays and objects

Simple patterns

A simple pattern can be compiled with the patt macro:

let p = patt *{'a'..'z'}
doAssert p("lowercaseword").ok


The peg macro provides a method to define (recursive) grammars. The first argument is the name of initial patterns, followed by a list of named patterns. Patterns can now refer to other patterns by name, allowing for recursion:

let p = peg "ident":
  lower <- {'a'..'z'}
  ident <- *lower
doAssert p("lowercaseword").ok

Ordering of rules in a grammar

The order in which the grammar patterns are defined affects the generated parser. Although NPeg could aways reorder, this is a design choice to give the user more control over the generated parser:

  • when a pattern P1 refers to pattern P2 which is defined before P1, P2 will be inlined in P1. This increases the generated code size, but generally improves performance.

  • when a pattern P1 refers to pattern P2 which is defined after P1, P2 will be generated as a subroutine which gets called from P1. This will reduce code size, but might also result in a slower parser.

The exact parser size and performance behavior depends on many factors; when performance and/or code size matters, it pays to experiment with different orderings and measure the results.


NPeg patterns and grammars can be composed from the following parts:


  0            # matches always and consumes nothing
  1            # matches any character
  n            # matches exactly n characters
 'x'           # matches literal character 'x'
 "xyz"         # matches literal string "xyz"
i"xyz"         # matches literal string, case insensitive
 {'x'..'y'}    # matches any character in the range from 'x'..'y'
 {'x','y','z'} # matches any character from the set

The set syntax {} is flexible and can take multiple ranges and characters in one expression, for example {'0'..'9','a'..'f','A'..'F'}.


(P)            # grouping
!P             # matches everything but P.
 P1 * P2       # concatenation
 P1 | P2       # ordered choice
 P1 - P2       # matches P1 if P2 does not match
?P             # matches P zero or one times
*P             # matches P zero or more times
+P             # matches P one or more times
 P{n}          # matches P n times
 P{m..n}       # matches P m to n times


C(P)           # Stores an anynomous capture in the open JSON array
Cn("name", P)  # Stores a named capture in the open JSON object
Ca()           # Opens a new capture JSON array []
Co()           # Opens a new capture JSON object {}
Cp(P, code)    # Passes all captures from P to nim code block `code`


Patterns are always matched in anchored mode only. To search for a pattern in a stream, a construct like this can be used:

p <- "hello"
search <- p | 1 * search

The above grammar first tries to match pattern p, or if that fails, matches any character 1 and recurses back to itself.


Note: Captures are stil in development, the interface might change in the future. I am not sure if using JsonNode is the best choice and I am open to any ideas to improve the way captures are returned from the parser.

NPeg has two modes for capturing matches

Simple captures

The simple mode returns all matched strings in the captures field of the returned MatchResult object.

For example, the following PEG splits a string by commas.

let a = peg "words":
  word <- C( +(1-',') )
  words <- word * +(',' * word)

let r = a("one,two,three,four,five")
echo r.captures


Complex captures

The complex mode builds a tree of JsonNode objects from the captured data, depending on the capture types used in the PEG definition.

Check the examples section below to see complex captures in action.

Action captures

Note: Action captures are fully functional, but I'm not sure if I like the current syntax. This will likely change

Action captures can be used to run blocks of Nim code on the captured data during at parse time. The Cp(P, code) construct will collect all captures from pattern P, and pass these to the block code in a variable called c of the type seq[string].

The example below has a simple PEG to split a comma separated list of word pairs. Each word in a pair is captured with C(), and both word captures are captured in an outer action capture Cp(), which runs the Nim snippet words.add(c[0], c[1]) for each matched pair:

const data = "one=uno,two=dos,three=tres,four=cuatro,five=cinco,six=seis"

var words = initTable[string, string]()

let s = peg "pairs":
  pairs <- pair * *(',' * pair) * !1
  word <- C(+{'a'..'z'})
  pair <- Cp(C(word) * '=' * C(word), words.add(c[0], c[1]))

echo s(data)
echo words

Error handling

Note: experimental feature, this needs some rework to be usable.

The ok field in the MatchResult indicates if the parser was successful. The matchLen field indicates how to which offset the matcher was able to parse the subject string. If matching fails, matchLen is usually a good indication of where in the subject string the error occured.

E"msg"         # Throws an exception with the message "Expected E"

The E"msg" construct can be used to add error labels to a parser which will throw an exception when reached. This can be used to provide better error messages on parsing erors indicating what the expected element was. E is typically used as the last element in an ordered choice expression that will only be reached if all other choices failed:

let s = peg "list":
  number <- +{'0'..'9'} | E"number"
  comma <- ',' | E"comma"
  list <- number * +( comma * number)
s "12,34,55"

NPeg vs PEG

The NPeg syntax is similar to normal PEG notation, but some changes were made to allow the grammar to be properly parsed by the Nim compiler:

  • NPeg uses prefixes instead of suffixes for *, +, - and ?
  • Ordered choice uses | instead of / because of operator precedence
  • The explict * infix operator is used for sequences


NPeg does not support left recursion (this applies to PEGs in general). For example, the rule

A <- A / 'a'

will cause an infinite loop because it allows for left-recursion of the non-terminal A. Similarly, the grammar

A <- B / 'a' A
B <- A is

is problematic because it is mutually left-recursive through the non-terminal B.

Loops of patterns that can match the empty string will not result in the expected behaviour. For example, the rule


will cause the parser to stall and go into an infinite loop.

Tracing and debugging

When compiled with -d:npegTrace, NPeg will dump its immediate representation of the compiled PEG, and will dump a trace of the execution during matching. These traces can be used for debugging purposes or for performance tuning of the parser. This is considered advanced use, and the exact interpretation of the trace is not discussed here.

For example, the following program:

let s2 = peg "line":
  line <- ("one" | "two") * "three"
discard s2("twothree")

will output the following output:

0: opChoice 3
1: opStr one
2: opCommit 4
3: opStr two
4: opStr three
5: opReturn

  0 |   0 |twothree  | choice -> 3  |
  1 |   0 |twothree  | str one      | *   (ip: 3, si: 0, rp: 0, cp: 0)
  3 |   0 |twothree  | fail -> 3    |
  3 |   0 |twothree  | str two      |
  4 |   3 |three     | str three    |
  5 |   8 |          | return       |
  5 |   8 |          | done         |


Parsing mathematical expressions

let s = peg "line":
  exp      <- term   * *( ('+'|'-') * term)
  term     <- factor * *( ('*'|'/') * factor)
  factor   <- +{'0'..'9'} | ('(' * exp * ')')
  line     <- exp * !1

doAssert s("3*(4+15)+2").ok

A complete JSON parser

let match = peg "DOC":
  S              <- *{' ','\t','\r','\n'}
  True           <- "true"
  False          <- "false"
  Null           <- "null"

  UnicodeEscape  <- 'u' * {'0'..'9','A'..'F','a'..'f'}{4}
  Escape         <- '\\' * ({ '{', '"', '|', '\\', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't' } | UnicodeEscape)
  StringBody     <- ?Escape * *( +( {'\x20'..'\xff'} - {'"'} - {'\\'}) * *Escape) 
  String         <- ?S * '"' * StringBody * '"' * ?S

  Minus          <- '-'
  IntPart        <- '0' | {'1'..'9'} * *{'0'..'9'}
  FractPart      <- "." * +{'0'..'9'}
  ExpPart        <- ( 'e' | 'E' ) * ?( '+' | '-' ) * +{'0'..'9'}
  Number         <- ?Minus * IntPart * ?FractPart * ?ExpPart

  DOC            <- JSON * !1
  JSON           <- ?S * ( Number | Object | Array | String | True | False | Null ) * ?S
  Object         <- '{' * ( String * ":" * JSON * *( "," * String * ":" * JSON ) | ?S ) * "}"
  Array          <- "[" * ( JSON * *( "," * JSON ) | ?S ) * "]"

let doc = """ {"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "subtract", "params": [42, 23], "id": 1} """
doAssert match(doc).ok


The following example shows captures in action. This PEG parses a HTTP request into a nested JSON tree:

let s = peg "http":
  space       <- ' '
  crlf        <- '\n' * ?'\r'
  alpha       <- {'a'..'z','A'..'Z'}
  digit       <- {'0'..'9'}
  url         <- +(alpha | digit | '/' | '_' | '.')
  eof         <- !1
  header_name <- +(alpha | '-')
  header_val  <- +(1-{'\n'}-{'\r'})
  proto       <- Cn("proto", C(+alpha) )
  version     <- Cn("version", C(+digit * '.' * +digit) )
  code        <- Cn("code", C(+digit) )
  msg         <- Cn("msg", C(+(1 - '\r' - '\n')) )
  header      <- Ca( C(header_name) * ": " * C(header_val) )

  response    <- Cn("response", Co( proto * '/' * version * space * code * space * msg ))
  headers     <- Cn("headers", Ca( *(header * crlf) ))
  http        <- Co(response * crlf * headers * eof)

let data = """
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently
Content-Length: 162
Content-Type: text/html

let r = s(data)
echo r.capturesJson.pretty

The resulting JSON data:

  "response": {
    "proto": "HTTP",
    "version": "1.1",
    "code": "301",
    "msg": "Moved Permanently"
  "headers": [
    ], [
    ], [