
Declarative packets system for serializing/deserializing and marshalling

serializtion, deserialization, marshal
nimble install packets


packets - pure Nim declarative packes system for serializing/deserializing

packets is my own view of declarative description of serializable/deserializable objects.

The main idea of this project is to give easiness of managing serializable objects in declarative way without any need to implement type checking, defaults, serializing and deserializing of objects.


You can use nimble package manager to install packets. The most recent version of the library can be installed like this:

$ nimble install packets

or directly from Git repo:

$ nimble install


Mostly usage examples could be seen in tests directory. The building is by default with std json, as benchmarks showed it is faster 3 times than packedjson. -d:usePackedJson enables packedjson.

import tables
import options
import packets/packets
import packets/json/serialization

packet Boolean:
  var boolean*: bool
  var booleanWithName* {.as_name: "boolean1".}: bool
  var booleanWithDefault*: bool = true
  var booleanOptional*: Option[bool]
  var booleanOptionalWithDefault*: Option[bool] = false
  var notSerialized: float

var booleanPacket = Boolean.init(boolean = true, booleanWithName = false)
var jsonData = booleanPacket.dump()
let decodedBoolean = Boolean.load(jsonData)


As for now packets system support only serialization/deserialization using JSON, but it is not a problem, because the system is very extendable and I'm planning to add more serialization/deserialization libraries.