
remarker_light is a command line tool for building a remark-based slideshow page very easily.

remark, slideshow, markdown, nim
nimble install remarker_light



Remark cli

remark is a simple, in-browser, markdown-driven slideshow tool.

remarker_light is a command line tool for building a remark-based slideshow page very easily.


Install via nimble:

$ nimble install

Write your slide in markdown:

# My Slide


# My Slide 2


Presenter notes here


save the above as

Invoke remarker_light command.

$ $HOME/.nimble/bin/remarker_light --file markdown.file

This starts a local server at port 5000 (this is configurable) and you can see your slides at http://localhost:5000/.

See remark's slide and documentation for more details about its syntax, features etc.

CLI Usage

  remark_light --file <FILE>
  remark_light --file <FILE> --logo_url <URL>
  remark_light (-h | --help)
  remark_light --version


Motivation of remarker

remark is a great presentation tool and you can write your slide's contents in markdown. The problem is when you simply use ramark, you need to maintain the html, css and scripts as well as markdown. If you care the details of design and style of the slides, that's fine. However if you don't care the design of the slides that much and want to focus only on the contents, then the settings of css, html, scripts seem quite messy. remarker solves this problem. remarker separates the contents (= markdown) from the settings (css, html, scripts). So you can only focus on and keep maintaining the contents of the slides and let remarker do the rest of the work. This is easier than using remark directly.


How to use images in slides

Put the images under ./assets directory and they are automatically served/copied and you can reference it like <img src="assets/my-diagram.png" width="600" /> in your slides.

The directory name of assets can be configured in remarker.yml. See the configuration section for details.
