
Collection of hash algorithms ported to Nim

blake2b, blake2s, spookyhash, deleted
nimble install skyhash


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Sk’s Thing Hasher



  • import skyhash/blake2b for blake2b.
  • import skyhash/blake2s for blake2s.


proc blake2b*(output, input, key: pointer;
              outlen, inlen, keylen: uint)
proc blake2s*(output, input, key: pointer;
              outlen, inlen, keylen: uint)

Process an entire message in one sequential pass.

  • output, outlen. Buffer to store the finished digest. Length must be between one and sixty-four bytes for 2b, or one and thirty-two bytes for 2s.
  • input, inlen. Buffer holding the message to hash. Can be nil (but why?) Length must be between zero and sixty-four bytes for 2b, or one and thirty-two bytes for 2s.
  • key, keylen. Buffer holding the key for MAC signing. Can be nil.


The streaming API is for data which is processed in chunks. It works like this:

  • Call init to prepare a state object,
  • Call update to feed data to the hasher as it comes in,
  • Call final when you are done.
proc init*  (S: var Blake2bState;
             outlen: uint64;
             key: pointer = nil;
             keylen: uint = 0)
proc init*  (S: var Blake2sState;
             outlen: uint64;
             key: pointer = nil;
             keylen: uint = 0)
proc update*(S: var Blake2bState;
             input: pointer;
             inlen: uint)
proc update*(S: var Blake2sState;
             input: pointer;
             inlen: uint)
proc final* (S: var Blake2bState;
             layer_last: bool;
             output: pointer;
             outlen: uint)
proc final* (S: var Blake2sState;
             layer_last: bool;
             output: pointer;
             outlen: uint)


proc init*        (S: var Blake2bState;
                   P: var Blake2bParam)
proc init*        (S: var Blake2sState;
                   P: var Blake2sParam)

Used instead of other init procs when you want to specify all of the Blake parameters yourself. You might need to do this for tree hashing modes or to include custom salts.

proc lastblock*   (self: var Blake2bState): bool
proc lastblock*   (self: var Blake2sState): bool
proc `lastblock=`*(self: var Blake2bState;
                   b: bool)
proc `lastblock=`*(self: var Blake2sState;
                   b: bool)

You don’t normally need to set this as it will be done in the call to final.

proc lastnode*    (self: var Blake2bState): bool
proc lastnode*    (self: var Blake2sState): bool
proc `lastnode=`* (self: var Blake2bState;
                   b: bool)
proc `lastnode=`* (self: var Blake2sState;
                   b: bool)

If you are using Blake for tree hashing, you set this to true before calling final when dealing with the last sibling in a particular subtree.

Spooky V2


  • import skyhash/spooky2


proc spooky2*(output, input, key: pointer;
              outlen, inlen, keylen: uint)

Process an entire message in one sequential pass.

  • output, outlen. Buffer to store the finished digest. Length must be between one and eight bytes.
  • key, keylen. Buffer holding the key for salting. Can be up to eight bytes.

It should be repeated that Spooky V2 is not a cryptographic hash so salting is not equivalent to MAC signing (as it is with Blake.) It is still useful if you need to make hash collisions a bit less predictable.


The streaming API is for data which is processed in chunks. It works like this:

  • Call init to prepare a state object,
  • Call update to feed data to the hasher as it comes in,
  • Call final when you are done.
proc init*  (S: var Spooky2State;
             outlen: uint64;
             key: pointer = nil;
             keylen: uint = 0)
proc update*(S: var Spooky2State;
             input: pointer;
             inlen: uint)
proc final* (S: var Spooky2State;
             output: pointer;
             outlen: uint)


For running the test suite; otherwise use whatever you want to deal with digests.


  • Blake2b and Blake2s are available under CC-0, as the upstream authors intended.
  • SpookyV2 is available under CC-0 (upstream is public domain.)