
Simple multidimensional vector math

math, vectors, library
nimble install vectors



This is a minimal library for basic vector math. Because static[int] does not work in generics yet, dimension matching is checked at run-time.

Vectors can be declared with any number of dimensions : dim >= 2

Vectors are initialized using a number of dimensions and seq[float] describing it's value:

    var myVec : Vector = Vector(2,@[1.0,2.0])

Alternatively, constructors for zero vectors and 2d and 3d vectors are provided

    var myVec : Vector = initVector(2,@[1.0,2.0])
    #Object initialization with sanity checking

    var myVecZeros : Vector = initVector(2)
    #returns a 2d vector with zeros as values

    var myVec2d : Vector = init2dVector(@[1.0,2.0])
    #does not need dimemsion to be provided

    var myVec3d : Vector = init3dVector(@[1.0,2.0,3.0])

The attributes of a Vector can be read and written using [] and iterated over naturally

    var A : Vector = initZeroVector(2)
    A[0] = 5.0

    for i in A:

All basic operations are defined for vector:

    var A,B,C : Vector
    C = A+B #Vector addition

    C = A-B #Vector subtraction

    C = A*0.5 #Vector scaling

    var dotResult: float = A*B #Vector dot product

    var magnitiude : float = norm(A) #Vector magnitude

    C = unit(A) #magnitude 1 unit vector of A

    var theta : float = angle(A,B) #inter-vector angle in radians

    C = cross(A,B) #Cross Product, for 3D ONLY