
A website management tool. Run the file and access your webpage.

2fa, 2factor, blog, blog-engine, bulma, firejail, gravatar, libravatar, material-design, nim, nim-lang, recaptcha, totp, webframework, webp, webpage, website, wordpress
nimble install websitecreator


Nim Website Creator

A quick website tool. Run the nim file and access your webpage.

Online test page: Nim Website Creator

Main features:

  • Webserver hosting your page on
  • Blog - add and edit blog posts
  • Pages - add and edit pages
  • Custom head, navbar and footer
  • Edit js/js.js and css/style.css
  • Define your own JS and CSS imports
  • Upload files (private or public)
  • Multiple users
  • Add plugins


  • Linux
  • Nim
  • Nim modules (automated when using Nimble):
    • jester >= 0.2.0
    • reCAPTCHA >= 1.0.2
    • bcrypt >= 0.2.1

Compiling / Installing

To compile and install you need Nim. You can easily install Nim using choosenim with:

curl -sSf | sh

You only need to perform 1a or 1b - not both of them.

1a) Install:

If you are using Nimble an executable will be generated and symlinked to websitecreator, which then can be executed anywhere on your system.

# Install websitecreator with nimble
nimble install websitecreator

# Edit the config.cfg accordingly
# (change the confg.cfg path to your nimble folder and the correct package version)
nano ~/.nimble/pkgs/websitecreator-0.1.0/config/config.cfg

# Run websitecreator
# (to add an Admin user append "newuser": websitecreator newuser)

1b) Compile:

This will generate the executable in the folder.

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd nim_websitecreator

# Generate and edit the config.cfg accordingly
cp config/config_default.cfg config/config.cfg
nano config.cfg

# Compile websitecreator
nim c -d:release -d:ssl websitecreator.nim

# Run websitecreator
# (to add an Admin user append "newuser": ./websitecreator newuser)

Compile/argument options:

To use the options as arguments remove the -d: and append:

  • -d:newdb = Generates the database with standard tables (does not override or delete tables). newdb will be initialized automatic, if no database exists.
  • -d:newuser = Add the Admin user
  • -d:insertdata = Insert standard data (this will override existing data)
  • -d:nginx = Used to close the streaming connection when using nginx as a webserver

These options are only available at compiletime:

  • -d:adminnotify = Send error logs (ERROR) to the specified admin email
  • -d:dev = Development
  • -d:devemailon = Send email when -d:dev is activated
  • -d:demo = Used on public test site Nim Website Creator

User profiles

There are 3 main user profiles:

  • User
  • Moderator
  • Admin

The access rights below applies to main program. Plugins can have their own definition of user rights.


The "User" can login and see private pages and blog pages. This user has no access to adding or editing anything.


The "Moderator" can login and see private pages and blog pages. This user can add and edit anything. The user can add and delete users, but cannot delete or add "Admin" users.


The "Admin" has access to anything.


Blog posts can be set as private or public.

Blog Blog

Blog page Blog

Blog post edit 1 Blog

Blog post edit 2 Blog

Frontpage Frontpage

Settings Blog

Settings head, header & footer Blog

Files Blog

Users Blog

Profile Blog

Google reCAPTCHA

To activate Google reCAPTCHA claim you site and server key and insert them into you config.cfg.


Plugins will be loaded at compiletime with macros. Plugins are placed in the plugins-folder. Two example plugin (contact & mailer) are available and enabled in the plugins-folder.

Enable a plugin

To enable a plugin add the path to the plugins and pluginname to plugin/plugin_import.txt:

# plugins = folder
# pluginname = the name of the plugin

# eg. for the contact plugin:
# eg. for the mailer plugin:

Plugin structure

A plugin needs the following structure:

  - html.tmpl   (optional)
  - mailer.nim  (required)
  - routes.nim  (required)
  - public/
    - js.js             (required) <- Will be appended to all pages
    - style.css         (required) <- Will be appended to all pages
    - js_private.js     (required) <- Needs to be imported manually
    - style_private.css (required) <- Needs to be imported manually


Includes the plugins proc()'s etc.

It is required to include a proc named proc <pluginname>Start*(db: DbConn) =

For the mailer plugin this would be: proc mailerStart*(db: DbConn) = . If this proc is not needed, just discard the content.


Includes the URL routes.

*.js and *.css

On compiletime js.js, js_private.js, style.css and style_private.css are copied from the plugins public folder to the official public folder, if the files contains text.

The files will be renamed to mailer<_private>.js and mailer<_private>.css.

A <link> and a <script> tag will be appended to the all pages, if js.js or style.css contains text.

Plugin: Mailer

Add mailselements containing subject, description and a date for sending the mail. Every 12th hour a cronjob will run to check, if it is time to send the mail.

All registrered users will receive the email.

You can access the plugin at /mailer. This link can be added to the navbar manually.

Plugin: Contact

A simple contact form for non-logged in users. The email will be sent to the info-email specified in the config.cfg file.

You can access the plugin at /contact. This link can be added to the navbar manually.

Plugin: Open registration

Opens up for public registration. Anyone can register an account and get a user with user role "User".

You can access the plugin at /register.