
Nim GUI Automation Linux, simulate user interaction, mouse and keyboard.

automation, linux, gui, keyboard, mouse, typing, clicker, autohotkey, gui-automation, keyboard-input, mouse-movement, nim, nim-lang, ui-automation, x11, xdo, xdotool
nimble install xdo



Nim GUI Automation Linux, simulate user interaction, mouse and keyboard control from Nim code, procs for common actions.



  • nimble install xdo


  • XDo (20 Kilobytes pure C lib with no dependencies)


import xdo
echo xdo_version                         # XDo Version (SemVer) when compiled.
xdo_get_id()                             # Get current focused window ID.
xdo_get_pid()                            # Get current focused window PID.

xdo_move_mouse((x: "1000", y: "500"))    # Move Mouse by Absolute Coordinates.
xdo_move_mouse((x: "+50", y: "-75"))     # Move Mouse by Relative Delta.
xdo_move_window((x: "500", y: "1000"))   # Move Window by Absolute Coordinates.
xdo_resize_window((x: "1024", y: "768")) # Resize Window by Absolute Coordinates.
xdo_close_focused_window()               # Close current focused window.
xdo_move_mouse_top_left()                # Move Mouse to 0,0 Coordinates.
xdo_move_mouse_random(repetitions = 3)   # Move Mouse randomly, repeat 3 times.
xdo_move_mouse_top_100px(repetitions = 5) # Move mouse to Y=0 then move on jumps of 100px.
xdo_mouse_move_alternating((x: 99, y: 75), repetitions = 9) # Move Mouse on ZigZag, repeat 9 times.
xdo_hide_focused_window()          # Hide the current focused window. This is NOT Minimize.
xdo_show_focused_window()          # Hide the current focused window. This is NOT Maximize.
xdo_raise_focused_window()         # Raise up the current focused window.
xdo_lower_focused_window()         # Lower down the current focused window.
xdo_activate_this_window(pid: 666) # Force to Activate this window by PID.
xdo_raise_all_but_focused_window() # Raise up all other windows but the current focused window.
xdo_lower_all_but_focused_window() # Lower down all other windows but the current focused window.
xdo_show_all_but_focused_window()  # Show all other windows but the current focused window.

xdo_mouse_left_click()          # Mouse Left Click.
xdo_mouse_middle_click()        # Mouse Middle Click.
xdo_mouse_right_click()         # Mouse Right Click.
xdo_mouse_double_left_click()   # Mouse Double Left Click.
xdo_mouse_double_middle_click() # Mouse Double Middle Click.
xdo_mouse_double_right_click()  # Mouse Double Right Click.
xdo_mouse_triple_left_click()   # Mouse Triple Left Click.
xdo_mouse_triple_middle_click() # Mouse Triple Middle Click.
xdo_mouse_triple_right_click()  # Mouse Triple Right Click.
xdo_mouse_spamm_left_click(100) # Spamm Mouse Left Click as fast as possible.
xdo_mouse_spamm_middle_click(9) # Spamm Mouse Middle Click as fast as possible.
xdo_mouse_spamm_right_click(50) # Spamm Mouse Right Click as fast as possible.

# xdo() is also available as a very low level wrapper for XDo for advanced developers.

Theres 2 JSON keycode2char and char2keycode to convert KeyCodes integers to/from Characters strings (human readable keyboard keys).