
A module boilerplate for nodejs and web.

cli, service
npm install @36node/mongoose-helper@0.2.9



DEPRECATED - this repo si retired, please go to 36node/sketch

circle-ci codecov js-standard-style

Boilerplates for nodejs and web, including module, tcp-server, service and react etc.


npx @36node/sketch init some-folder

## then choose your template


yarn bootstrap

we use jwt



visit jwt.io for more.

  "sub": "session",
  "exp": 1516239022,
  "jti": "jwt id = session id",
  "user": {
    "id": "user id",
    "name": "John Doe",
    "ns": "/36node",
    "roles": ["ADMIN", "USER"]
  • sub: 该 jwt 的主题
  • exp(expire): 过期时间
  • jti: 该 JWT 的 id,这里等于 sessionId
  • user: 由于是 session jwt,所以这里会有一个 user 字段,里面包含最必要的 user 信息

public key and private key in folder ./ssl


package name version download
browserslist-config npm (scoped) npm
cli npm (scoped) npm
eslint-config npm (scoped) npm
fastman npm (scoped) npm
fetch npm (scoped) npm
koa-health npm (scoped) npm
koa-openapi npm (scoped) npm
mock-server npm (scoped) npm
mongoose-helper npm (scoped) npm
query-normalizr npm (scoped) npm
redux-api npm (scoped) npm
redux-cron npm (scoped) npm
redux-form npm (scoped) npm
redux-form-antd npm (scoped) npm
redux-ui npm (scoped) npm
redux-xlsx npm (scoped) npm
swagen npm (scoped) npm
tpl-cli npm (scoped) npm
tpl-cra-redux npm (scoped) npm
tpl-module npm (scoped) npm
tpl-react-component npm (scoped) npm
tpl-sdk npm (scoped) npm
tpl-service npm (scoped) npm
tpl-tcp npm (scoped) npm


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D

RoadMap 1.0

目前打包工具的配置不太舒服,由于受到CRA的制约,eslint/babel等迫不得已使用老版本。 希望未来我们能推出自己的 scripts 来支持前端、组件、后端的打包工作。 和react-scripts不同的是,我们要考虑支持前端和后端的打包。

  1. A scripts package like react-scripts to wrapper all things about jest/babel/eslint and the most important build etc.
  2. Consider how to support more templates.
  3. 考察 webpack4/5 vs rollup,统一的 build 工具。


sketch © 36node, Released under the MIT License.

Authored and maintained by 36node with help from contributors (list).

github.com/zzswang · GitHub @36node