
A boilerplate to get started quickly with Anthology.scss. Fork it and grow it with your brand!

npm install @anthology/starter-kit@0.2.0


๐ŸŽจ Anthology Starter Kit

A boilerplate to get started quickly with Anthology.scss. Fork it and grow it with your brand!

๐Ÿ“š Anthology documentation ยท ๐Ÿš€ Anthology source


  1. Fork it!
  2. Add or remove CSS properties from src/properties/*.scss
  3. Import into your project! @import 'path/to/my/anthology/main.scss';
  4. Become an expert with Anthology's bevy of mixins and functions!


  1. Install the NPM package with npm install @anthology/starter-kit or yarn add @anthology/starter-kit
  2. Import into your project! @import './node_modules/@anthology/starter-kit/src/main.scss';
  3. Become an expert with Anthology's bevy of mixins and functions!