
Stack Overflow theme for JSON Resume

json, resume
npm install @anthonyjdella/jsonresume-theme-anthonyjdella-stackoverflow@1.0.8


Customized JSON Resume Theme: StackOverflow

🖼️ This is a tweaked version of the StackOverflow theme. Tweaked to fit my design preferences. Published on NPM and GitHub Registry.

Notable Changes

  • 2 Page version in PDF/printable mode
  • Added sections for speaking and articles
  • Style changes


To build and start the local server, it needs to use the cli command, which is custom cli I tweaked.

npm i @anthonyjdella/customized-resume-cli

How to Start

npm run start

How to Change

  • resume.hbs is the order of the resume.
  • theme/partials/ are the html files for each section
  • style.css is the styling
  • To make changes to the PDF/printable version, make changes in the @print section of style.css
  • Change version number in package.json
  • Deploy the changes via npm publish --access public
  • To see changes from resume.anthonydellavecchia.com you need to go to the registry project, then cd into functions, run npm i and npm update, then firebase deploy.
Click to expand README.md of the source repository!

Stack Overflow theme for jsonresume npm version

Printable version with custom CSS


Getting started

Install the command line

Create your resume in json on jsonresume

The official resume-cli to run the development server.

Go ahead and install it:

npm install -g resume-cli

Install and serve theme

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/francescoes/jsonresume-theme-stackoverflow.git

And simply run:

resume serve

You should now see this message:

Preview: http://localhost:4000
Press ctrl-c to stop

To build your own resume, create a 'resume.json' file in the current folder and follow the json resume schema

Social Profiles Icons

Profiles supported with brand colors:

github, stack overflow, linkedin, dribbble, twitter, facebook, pinterest, instagram, soundcloud, wordpress, youtube, flickr, google plus, tumblr, foursquare.

To have a social icon close the social link profile (or username) it is enough to set a network the name of the Social Network (es: 'Stack Overflow').

Support to extra fields

With stackoverflow theme it is possible to add:

  • keywords to each 'work', 'publication' and 'volunteer' item
  • summary to each 'interests' and 'education' item
  • location to each 'work', 'education' and 'volunteer' item
  • birth to 'basics'

example of the extra location object:

"location": {
  "city": "Zürich",
  "countryCode": "CH",
  "region": "Switzerland"

example of the extra birth object:

"birth": {
  "place": "New York",
  "state": "USA",
  "date": "1988"


Fork the project, add your feature (or fix your bug) and open a pull request OR

Open an issue if you find find or if you would like to have extra fields or changes


Available under the MIT license.